Meet the candidates – Election 2021 – Strathmore

With the municipal election coming up on Oct. 18, we asked the Strathmore council and mayor candidates to include a bio and answer: why are you running for the upcoming election?

Please remember to vote on Oct. 18 as ballots will also include the Senate Election, as well as two referendum questions:

• Should section 36(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982 – Parliament and the government of Canada’s commitment to the principle of making equalization payments – be removed from the constitution?

• Do you want Alberta to adopt year-round Daylight Saving Time, which is summer hours, eliminating the need to change our clocks twice a year?

Town of Strathmore – Mayor

Lorraine Bauer

In the 20 years that I have lived in Strathmore, I raised my family, met lifelong friends, created recreational opportunities for youth, and supported sports, arts and culture. 

I know the value of local businesses in building community and have volunteered in many different capacities.

In my term on council, I have learned that the government is only as good as their leadership. Now is the time for CHANGE! A leader should accept when they are wrong, not make promises they can’t keep and take responsibility when millions of tax-payer dollars have been spent and we are left with depleted cash reserves. In the 2020 Town’s Audited Financial Statements prepared by Avail LLP Chartered Accountant states that the town increased the net financial debt by $7.7 million. The debt was mainly due to the construction of the Town’s Municipal Building at Kinsmen Park. 

In order to get back to a strong financial position once again, residential and business taxes will need to be increased. This is very unfortunate and is not going to be popular but as a future leader, I need to make our town stronger. 

Strathmore was once known as the best community to develop and build in, over the past few years that has changed dramatically, and we need to get back to that same level of service. We can do that by eliminating red tape, listening to builders, developers and landowners who are ready to build and spend their money in this community. This will help to offset the taxes in the future.

I am a committed community minded leader that is positive, believes in diversity, authenticity, connection and respect for all.

My vision for Strathmore is to create a community where people work to make a LIFE not just a LIVING.

Jason Chase

Unavailable for comment.

Pat Fule

My name is Pat Fule, and I’m running for re-election for the office of mayor.  I’ve lived in Strathmore for 38 years and I taught high school for 34.  I’ve been married to Debbie for 36 years, and she has been an Elementary teacher here for 35 years.  We raised our kids here, and now their kids are also growing up in the Strathmore- Wheatland area.  I have coached Jr and Sr. High Varsity Basketball, Volleyball, Track, and Cross Country at Strathmore High for most of my teaching years.  Debbie and I also ran STARS/JETS Athletics in Strathmore for 25 years.  In 2010, I was first elected to Town Council and served seven years, while I taught at Strathmore High.  In 2017, I was elected mayor.  I have served as mayor for the past four years, through some very tumultuous events.

I’m running for mayor of Strathmore for a few reasons.  My first goal is to see a new seniors’ lodge here, as we always have a long waiting list for people to get in.  Seniors helped make Strathmore the great town it is, and I’d like to be a part of getting a new facility.  We’ve had a lot of success in recreation in the SMP Sportscentre, paths and parks, but I also want to see progress regarding a new twin arena.  I believe the way forward for this is for the Town and stakeholders to form a society for this purpose.  The Town could work toward creating a “restricted reserve” to start setting aside serious capital for this project.  Lastly, I’ve worked to help create two new revenue streams for the Town.  There CAN be a balance between paying down debt, and moving the town forward.  I hope you’ll support me for re-election for mayor of Strathmore.

Jason Hollingsworth

Hello Strathmore! For those of you who do not know me, I am Dr. Jason Hollingsworth, and I am running for Mayor of Strathmore. I have been a resident and business owner here for over 20 years now! In that time both our business and family have grown, and we have been very grateful for this (not so) little town, and so we thought it would be an excellent time for me to serve Strathmore in this way. As a long time resident, and business owner, I am most concerned with the division and disunity of the outgoing council and the trajectory of our Town’s finances, both which ultimately prompted me to let my name stand for election. Despite this being my initial entry into politics, I feel my leadership abilities and relevant experience serving on various boards and committees, including the provincial regulatory board for my profession, will serve council well. I have made it a point to run a positive campaign based on unity, economic development and fiscal responsibility and am deliberately avoiding negativity. If I were to sum up in a few sentences why I am running for election it would be this:  As a 20 year resident, business owner, husband and father, I want what is best for Strathmore. This Town has so many positive things going for it, is full of opportunity and ready for growth, but in need of a change in leadership. I humbly ask that Strathmore grants me the opportunity to be a part of that change.  

Town of Strathmore – Councillor

Brian Cunningham

Thank you, Strathmore Times, for initiating discussions that will benefit our community’s citizens towards an informed decision when they vote on Monday, Oct. 18.

My wife and I settled into Strathmore in 2007.  We quickly came to the wonderful realization that we had taken root in a gem of a place to live. We have a caring community. We have a community that understands the importance of being clean, green and sustainable. We live in an energetic community that strives to invest in the quality of life for all its citizens.

Why am I running for the upcoming election? As a founder and former owner of Wheatland taxi, I was incredibly fortunate to meet many residents with diverse interests where I heard various points of view about our community. I made the decision that I would like to do more than just talk; I want to participate in a more direct way.  Sitting on council will offer me this opportunity.

Throughout my extensive business career, I encountered situations where it was crucial to navigate through difficult yet necessary discussions. Acknowledgement and acceptance of others’ viewpoints lead the way to discussions where success waits. My communication style is respectful and empathetic with focuses on compromise and agreement.  This is one of my strengths and I will bring that strength to council chambers.

It is my intention to focus on fiscal responsibility, improved transportation options and an emphasis on business development. I would absolutely like to see extended considerations for seniors during town sponsored events.   

I would be honored to be a representative on town council for the residents of our fine community of Strathmore. I am confident I will do a great job for you!

Nicole Gibbons

I have lived here since 2009; many of you know me as The Tax Toad.  I am running for council to add my financial skills to the team, no one wants to see tax hikes, or budget deficits. Fiscal responsibility and accountability are the keys to moving the town projects forward for the betterment of Strathmore and surrounding communities.

As a single mom, and specializing in taxes, being financially responsible is second nature. I am in a unique position, having an insider’s view to the finances of many Strathmore families, businesses and farms. People are hurting; belts all over are tightened, as such, I am not spending on any signage or adverts this campaign.  I feel it is very important to work hard at attracting new commerce to the town, and bring more employment opportunities to our highly skilled and valued unemployed workers and surrounding community members.

 Increasing the towns revenue streams from attracting new business, manufacturing, and developers will allow the town to move forward on import issues. Issues such as creating an in-town transit system, more youth activities such as a bike park, more funding for organizations, improved sidewalks, better snow removal, and the sewage premiums charged on watering the vegetable garden. Attracting more post-secondary options, a twin arena, continued expansion and enhancement of our green spaces are also agenda items to move forward.

Actively pursuing more Physicians, Nurse Practitioners to provide the medical care that is increasingly difficult to procure, supporting our downtown, and more multi-unit, handi-accessible dwellings round out my goals. 

 Many of these can be done with events, trade shows, networking and effective communication. Working respectfully with all towards these goals, and respecting the bottom line is my pledge to you if elected. I am available to hear your concerns and thoughts.

John Hilton-O’Brien

My wife Nathalie and I have operated HOB’s Hobbies on 2nd Avenue for the last five years.  We provide a recreation outlet for youth and adults.  We also helped start the Strathmore Overnight Shelter: I still serve as President, and we volunteer about 500 hours every year. We care about this town on a personal level.

Strathmore needs jobs.  We need to streamline the development process and make it easier to set up shop.  Council can also personally pitch businesses on moving here.  We may also have to fight for the right to increase our industrial areas. 

We also need doctors and other services. Advertising, with a personal appeal by Council, can help bring new General Practitioners in.  We can also bargain for more local medical services such as dialysis.  With Bow Valley closing, we also options for post-secondary education.  I see an opportunity for a liberal arts college that will help bring students to stay here.

At the same time, we spent a lot of money last year that we didn’t plan to. This means we need to stagger out our coming capital expenses over more time until we catch up. We also need to strengthen our financial planning and tighten our spending.  Wherever we can, new spending needs to have a plan to bring in outside grant money. We need more care, not more taxes.

Experience talks. Bringing new businesses in requires counselors who have done it.  My experience doesn’t stop with business and a non-profit, either. I have political experience, too: my wife and I helped start the original Wildrose Party, which I served as President.  I’ve even helped colleges get their first bachelor’s degrees. I bring experience and compassion to the table – and I hope you will vote for me.

Ken Kuenzl

Mechanical Designer with G&S Airport Conveyors

Owner of Strathmore Mobile Archery Supplies

Referee with Strathmore Minor Hockey & Hockey Alberta as well as many men’s leagues

I have been secretary of the local Archery Club for three years. I have volunteered as soccer and hockey coaches, as well as serving as a volunteer Ski Patroller in my younger years.

I am father to two daughters aged 14 and eight, and believe it is our responsibility to provide a safe community for our children to grow, and opportunities for them to develop into productive members of society.

My goal is to help promote opportunities within our community for business and recreation. I’ve heard it said many times by many people, that there is nothing for the youth to do ….. We need this ….. we need that …..

The reality is that these are businesses that must come here to offer their services. As a town council, we must determine why businesses are not locating , or surviving here and find ways to encourage them to setup in our town, and help over come the challenges so that they are successful and stay.

We need to respect our seniors, as they are the ones who created us, and built this town. They know the history, the reasons, and have a lot of great ideas. As our elders age, they encounter new challenges brought on by father time.  We need to not forget about them. We need to engage in conversation and listen to their needs and wants. We need to consider transportation requirements and explore all options as well as attract additional medical professionals and services for young and old alike.

Strathmore is great today.  Together we can make it BETTER.

Please give me your support on Oct. 18.

Melissa Langmaid

My name is Melissa Langmaid and I am honoured to submit my name in consideration for Town Council. I chose to move to Strathmore six years ago, and I currently work in town for a organization that supports adults with disabilities to engage in their community and identify meaningful opportunities to volunteer or find employment. I live in the Cambridge Glen neighbourhood with my fiancé, Jon, and our two indoor cats, Goober and Minnow. I chose to submit my name in the upcoming election because I have a passion for serving my community. A year and a half ago I left a career in the environment industry in Calgary to pursue this passion and commit myself to it.

This election is incredibly important. Those who are elected into positions of leadership will help navigate our recovery from COVID-19 and shape the future of our community. We need leaders who are committed to working effectively with one another, not against one another, and having respectful conversations (even when we disagree). We need leaders that will advocate for a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community that works for every resident regardless of age, ability, gender, income, race, religion, or sexual orientation. We need leaders who will remain accountable and who will work with all residents to understand and address the needs of the community they serve. We need leaders who will treat our municipal budget with the careful consideration that residents expect. 

I am committed to being such a leader.

Strathmore is a beautiful town that I am proud to be a part of. It would be an honour to earn the vote of the residents of Strathmore so that I can work to ensure that our town continues to grow and prosper, now and for decades in the future.  

Debbie Mitzner

What I Stand For…

Understanding and SERVICING DEBT.


Continued Community Support and Involvement 

Increasing and Strengthening Neighborhood Relationships

“Build it and They Will Come”

Branding Our Community –  creating a name and design that identifies and differentiates the Town of Strathmore  

Why I Am Committed to Serve….

Long Time Resident and Advocate of Town of Strathmore Four Generations Living and Working in OUR Community

It’s Time For A Change


Jason Montgomery

I have lived in Strathmore since 2006 when I moved here while working for a regionally-located engineering firm that built or worked on many of the highways surrounding this community. I grew to appreciate the lifestyle, and potential for improvement, that Strathmore displayed, and I decided to settle down and invest more fully into this community. My family and I are active and frequent users of many of the amenities, natural and manmade, that are available in our town. This gives me firsthand experience with what makes this a great community to live in, and what areas could use some improvement. I have used this, as well as my background in business, construction, and athletics, to look for ways that the Town of Strathmore can be more efficient in its delivery of services to our residents, as well as providing the best possible value for our tax dollars. Over the last four years, I have worked hard to provide the voters of Strathmore with the best possible return on their investment in me, by volunteering for the most number of committees, boards, and any extra tasks that were available. I attended numerous conferences, workshops, and other learning opportunities, to improve my own knowledge, and bring new best practices back to our community. My goal while on council remains: to be a good representative of our community while dealing with other governments and organizations, being a strong negotiator and striving to realize the best possible outcomes for our community, fighting for our interests in a way that builds healthy relations with our partners, being responsible and reactive to the needs of our citizens, and ensuring that the Town of Strathmore organization is managed in a way that gives our residents a high quality of life. Please visit for more information!

Denise Peterson

I am married to Rev. Roger Nelson; we have five children and 11 grandchildren and have lived in Strathmore for 37 years. I have worked as an educator, Principal and Education Consultant; I have owned my own business and currently assist in a local family-owned company. Our family dynamic helped me gain perspective of  diverse views and differing stances. Our family is representative of our community; they are service providers, oilman, farmer/rancher, and business owners. Our family has taught me to respect and appreciate dialogue that cultural, economic, and spiritual diversity brings. I am a third generation Albertan. I grew up on a ranching/farming operation in southeastern Alberta.  My leadership experience on more than 40 operational and governance boards has given me insight and understanding of how to achieve goals in board and committee settings through common vision, excellent planning, and collaboration. Candidates should have experience working as part of a team; I am committed to servant leadership which means understanding who I am serving, then working together to achieve the goals identified by this community. In my past term as a Councillor, I demonstrated my commitment to service and diligence while maintaining the lowest remuneration and having the best attendance. 

If re-elected I am committed to continuing to work hard to procure a Senior’s Lodge/Hospice, to seek affordable housing initiatives, to persevere with initiatives such as the anti-racism project and to pursue Age-Friendly community living.  Strathmore is now the most affordable, accessible community in the Calgary metro region to live or to launch a business, so we need to work to resourcefully to brand our community and promote our competitive land pricing and strategic regional transportation network. If elected I will hold your vote as a trust to be respected and never taken for granted. 

Please vote Oct. 18.

Jacy Rapke

In 2017, I chose to make Strathmore home for my multi-generational family. We chose this Town for the outstanding education options, recreation and outdoor amenities and the people who had such a sense of community.

My professional work is in finance, where I lead a team across Alberta that works directly with over 300 municipalities, school divisions and seniors housing organizations. That work, combined with my many years of volunteering (from firefighing/EMR to numerous Board positions with non-profit groups to being a founding member of an emerging leadership platform in Calgary) provides me with a unique perspective. From 2013-2017, I was a Councillor with the Town of High Level. My role included being the Council representative with the Library Board, Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Association and CAO Hiring Committee.

As a fresh face to many in the community, I chose to take action on my commitments of fiscal responsibility, transparency and accountability. My decision to run a no-expense campaign (no funding was spent on marketing or signage) was to showcase my creativity and fearlessness to try new things. I focused my attention to what is at the heart of a small town: connection. I started “Conversations with the Candidates” in Kinsmen Park on Saturday mornings which is an opportunity for residents to ask questions and give feedback to their future elected officials.

I want to use my experience and leadership skills to drive economic growth and sustainability for Strathmore. I believe in honest, healthy discussions where the intent is to listen first and consider all viewpoints before making decisions. Just as I chose Strathmore to be my home, I am now asking voters to choose me to represent and lead us into a prosperous future.

Kevin Reynolds

Unavailable for comment.

Craig Vanderberg

We moved here four years ago after my wife and I chose Strathmore to setup our Candy business downtown, and picked a wonderful community to live and raise our daughter.

Many thousands of Strathmorites of all ages got to know us and it still makes me feel warm when a youth comes up and yells “hey Candyman”!

I believe now is the time to give back and contribute to progressing this town’s future prosperity. If elected, I can bring connections and networking with past affiliation with the Calgary downtown association, and connections with commercial developpers, as well as the Canadian franchise association. I hope that through all the political division and partisan shallowness can be left at the door this term, we are facing mammoth revenue shortfalls and deep budgetary holes requiring a fix!

 My goals entail positioning the town and  more emphasis to care for the truly vulnerable. The disabled and senior community will get the handibus on firm footing, and future bus route planning. 

In order to add more jobs and grow, we need to encourage business start ups and ventures by selling Strathmore actively. We have many areas of industrial commerce & activity that can sustain business and grow local employment. 

The future is our youth and in five years we have the biggest segment in the tween and teen demos. Local kids and teens have been massively affected by the pandemic and policies impeding them at every turn. We need to support our youth and encourage physical activity and development. I foresee the Wheatland centre of higher learning project id love to see come to fruition.

Richard Wegener 

Hello, my name is Richard Wegener. I have lived in Strathmore since 2013 but have resided in the County of Wheatland since 1995. 

Our family has four generations living in town, although most of us are transplanted residents. My family in town consists of my mother who resides at Wheatland Lodge, my wife and I, our son, our daughter, and her husband and finally our first grandson. 

I have volunteered for various organizations during my time in the area including Carseland Minor Sports, the Carseland Fire Department, Strathmore Minor Hockey and currently I am volunteering with the Wheatland Kings Junior Hockey Team. 

I have put my name forward to run for council as I have a desire to serve the residents of Strathmore. I have considered running for council in the past, but my work took me out of town too much to make a commitment to council. If elected, I look forward to working with council, administration, and our residents to continue building a vibrant and welcoming community. 

Brent Wiley

For 17 years, my wife and I have happily called Strathmore home.  We live here, work here, volunteer here and are raising our children here.  I am running for town council so that I can give back to this community that has given so much to me.  

As a councillor, I will bring integrity, kindness, and hard work.  

For the past few weeks campaigning I have been door knocking and met many good people.  At their front doors, we have discussed some the issues that most concern them.  Through these conversations, I have formed my platform and the questions I will be bringing to the council chamber.

A senior’s long-term care home is crucial.  How can we move forward on getting another facility in town?  What can council do?

How do we retain Bow Valley College and perhaps attract another post-secondary institution to town?  This will revitalize our downtown core and enable our high school graduates to stay in Strathmore.  Are there potential partnerships?

Small businesses are good for our town.  How can we balance supporting our existing businesses while making it easier for new ones to set up shop?      

Residents in Strathmore have told me that we have a shortage of family physicians.  What strategies can we use to retain the doctors we currently have and attract new ones?  

Our volunteers and grassroots organizations are quietly making our community better.  How can our municipality support them in their work?

Whether we are walking to work or getting some exercise, our greenspaces, wetlands, and paths are a highlight in town.  What new communities remain unconnected to the paths system? 

On Oct. 18, please give me the opportunity to represent you on town council by giving me your vote.  For more information, check out my website: