Coaching career expands for former Strathmore native

By Sean Feagan, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Chad Goodwin, a skating coach originally from Strathmore, is embarking on a new journey as the skating director of the new Seattle Kraken NHL organization.

As a professional figure skater, Goodwin is a four-time Canadian national competitor and three-time sectional champion. But he also played minor hockey in Strathmore until he was around 11 years old, an experience still providing him insights today.

“Knowing and understanding the game is very helpful,” he said.

Being a professional figure skater with a hockey background has afforded Goodwin a unique array of experience and perspectives as a skating coach. Incorporating figure skating techniques into hockey coaching helps players better learn fundamentals, he explained.

“On the hockey side, it’s so fast-paced I think sometimes those skills get rushed,” he said. “So, to be able to know how to take the time and teach it in a fun way is good for the sport.”

Goodwin has almost 10 years’ experience as a skating coach, including spending the last four years as skating director with the Vegas Golden Knights organization.

“I started at the beginning when the Golden Knights were just getting off the ground,” he said. “To be able to work with a startup franchise was a special thing – and lots of work.”

Now he gets to do it again. Goodwin will take a similar approach starting the skating program in Seattle, a big part of which is developing and providing its Learn to Skate program. 

“We will be looking to make that a really fun program to be part of – that’s where everybody starts,” he said.

The difference between the two settings will be finding new staff and working with new groups of coaches, he said. “I am excited for this new challenge of finding the type of team I can put together to help with each program.”

Goodwin toured Seattle’s new three-sheet ice rink, Kraken Training Centre, in February, which is part of the master plan redevelopment of Northgate, an area of Seattle. The programs there, including Learn to Skate, NHL Learn to Play, recreational and competitive programs, are scheduled to start in fall 2021. “It’s going to be amazing,” he said.