Year in Review – Wheatland County

By Amber Link Reeve, Wheatland County

What were the highlights you accomplished this year?

2020 was a busy year for Wheatland County council and administration, with several new programs and initiatives being introduced despite the pandemic.

Some capital projects were deferred to proactively manage finances during a time of significant uncertainty. However, several projects were completed and came in under budget. Public works oversaw the completion of the Range Road 245 construction, the commencement of the Rosebud sewage lagoon, and the connection of the Phase 3 regional waterline to Rosebud. Crews gravelled 975 kilometres of roadway while utilizing 30 per cent less gravel than in 2019. This was in addition to building two new playgrounds in Cluny and Speargrass, made possible by donations and community partnership. Construction has also recently begun on the Carseland Fire Hall.

Wheatland County began to offer virtual learning opportunities and events, such as the business development workshops intended to inspire economic development opportunities. The new website that launched in June also aided in supporting the increased demand for online resources.

After almost 20 years, Wheatland County Peace Officers were granted the authority to enforce traffic law on 1- and 2-digit primary highways.

Wheatland County also deployed a budget engagement survey, with 64 per cent of survey respondents supporting the predicted budget. As a result, eBilling was launched, allowing residents to receive their municipal utility bills via email. 

What challenges did you face in 2020?

With the intersection of the global pandemic, the economic downturn, and the oil and gas crisis, the challenges faced in 2020 were significant. We are grateful to our CAO, our strong senior leadership team and our entire staff who proactively planned, analyzed and implemented a business continuity plan, focused on the safety of our staff and residents, while also ensuring all essential services were maintained.

Several community engagement opportunities had to be modified to account for public health restrictions. Provincial changes to our industrial assessmen, combined with significant uncollected tax and increased cost sharing requirements caused budgetary adjustments.

Not only did Wheatland County experience administrative challenges, crews faced delays caused by a wet spring, and closures due to COVID-19 interrupted service delivery and capital projects in some areas. Inheritance of the Lakes of Muirfield development also taxed the resources of the utilities and hamlet maintenance divisions but has resulted in some positive changes for the residents.

How did you overcome these challenges and move forward?

Operating during a pandemic poses unique challenges; however, safety for residents and Wheatland County employees has always been the greatest importance. Safety measures were implemented at all Wheatland County facilities to ensure employees, visitors and residents were kept safe and healthy. To conduct meetings and connect with residents, Wheatland County heavily relied upon online tools and technology.

The challenges faced by public works were resolved by reallocating resources throughout the crews and finding efficiencies amongst each division.

What are your plans and hopes for 2021?

In 2021 we are focused on economic recovery, strategic investment in infrastructure, continued focus on fiscal efficiency, investment attraction and sustainability.

Two significant initiatives – the Municipal Development Plan review, and creation of the Open Space, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan – are both projected to be completed in 2021.

Wheatland County will continue to deploy innovative processes across the organization to further improve customer service efficiencies and face any new challenges with ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Wheatland County will continue to work with the community to ensure we remain a true partner with our businesses, industries, community organizations, our neighbouring municipalities and other levels of government, sharing our expertise and resources for the betterment of the community.