Province releases policing survey

By Sean Feagan, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

As part of its review of the Police Act, the Alberta government has released a survey so residents can have their say about the future of law enforcement in the province.

The Police Act, introduced in 1988, together with provincial regulation, outlines the rules and responsibilities for law enforcement in Alberta. But for some, views on police roles and performance have changed.

The province is conducting a review of this legislation. It is consulting with stakeholders, including municipalities, Indigenous communities and organizations such as the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA), of which Wheatland County is a member, but is also looking for feedback from everyday citizens.

In the survey, (, residents of Alberta can share their views on things such as the performance of police in their communities, police roles and how complaints should be handled.

“This is an important opportunity for Albertans to help us develop legislation that reflects the realities of modern policing and ensures that police remain accountable to their communities and responsive to their needs,” said Kaycee Madu, Minister of Justice and Solicitor General, in a press release.

The public survey is available until Jan. 4, 2021.