One week remains in Special Olympics virtual event

By Janet Kanters, Editor

Special Olympics Alberta’s Virtual Summer Series is in its final week, but it’s not too late to register for the final leg of the event.

The Virtual Summer Series is a new Alberta Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) event, running from June 15 to Sept. 15. The event was organized in response to the cancellation or postponement of all summer fundraising events that LETR would typically run over the summer months. 

Participants in this event include the general public, Special Olympics athletes, law enforcement officers from agencies across Alberta and beyond, community members and Special Olympics Alberta staff.

“The Virtual Summer Series has created a way for law enforcement officers to join together virtually and support our Special Olympics athletes,” said event lead Matt Burton with the Alberta Sheriffs. “LETR has always fostered the ‘inclusion revolution’ for our Special Olympics athletes through our various fundraising efforts and events. But with most of our in-person events being put on hold for 2020, our law enforcement community, both provincially and globally, has rallied behind the Virtual Summer Series.

“Not only do we recognize the benefits of encouraging physical activity and health during these unprecedented times, but this event is also a way to raise some much-needed funds for Special Olympics Alberta as they continue to offer virtual support and programming to our athletes,” added Burton. 

According to Johnny Byrne, CEO of Special Olympics Alberta, fundraising events like this, and the fact that many fundraisers have been postponed, have a big impact on organizations like Special Olympics Alberta.

“Special Olympics programs are made possible because of the generosity of our donors and sponsors,” he said. “We are very aware of the physical, mental and financial challenges that everyone is facing due to the pandemic, so we are continually looking for ways to respectfully engage with our supporters. The Virtual Summer Series has provided an innovative way to stay connected while being active and healthy. Events like these will be critical for us to ensure that our local programs across the province have the resources they need to restart safely.” 

The Virtual Summer Series has over 110 participants from Alberta and beyond all logging their kms for Special Olympics. The biking leg, the first leg of the series which ran from June 15 to July 15, saw participants cycle over 18,000 cumulative kms. Last week was the final week of the running leg, the second part of the event, with participants cumulatively running over 4,100 kms.

The overall fundraising goal has been set at $50,000, which will help support Special Olympics Alberta as it continues to offer online training and workouts, virtual social opportunities, and mental health support to over 3,300 athletes.

Participants can join in and register anytime, with registration open right up until Sept. 15. For additional information and registration visit their website (

offer online training and workouts, virtual social opportunities, and mental health support to over 3,300 athletes. 

The Virtual Summer Series, a brand-new Alberta Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) event that is open to the public, kicked off on June 15 and runs until September 15. It was organized in response to the cancellation or postponement of all summer fundraising events that LETR would typically run over the summer months. Participants can join in and register anytime, with registration open right up until September 15. Additional information and registration is online (