New plans for Lakewood Meadows

By Sean Feagan, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Changes to Lakewood Meadows are being planned, including a new commercial development and a possible two-rink arena.

During the Town of Strathmore regular council meeting on Dec. 2, council voted unanimously to amend the Lakewood area structure plan. The amendments were requested by Devmore Developments Inc., the developer, to respond to market changes, as per a report presented to council by Cameron Thompson, town planner.

The amendments include the addition of an 8.5-acre commercial site and neighbourhood commercial opportunity area, as well as corresponding commercial land use policies. This commercial area will be located in the northwest portion of the development.

As per the report, the developer’s rationale for the commercial site is the assertion of a services gap for residents of Lakewood, Hillview and surrounding areas. This development will benefit the area and Strathmore as a whole, said Thompson.

Devmore has received interest from numerous sectors, including a gas station, a financial company, a pharmacy and an interior designer, said Neal Coulter, Lakewood developer. 

“They’ve gone beyond saying, ‘yes, we’re interested,’ he said. “They’re looking at construction costs; they’re fully involved.”

However, individual businesses are typically approved later in the process, at the development permit stage of the development. The commercial opportunity area could feature a small-scale corner store style building, such as a convenience store or coffee shop, according to the report.

“We’re pretty excited about the project,” said Coulter.

Also included in the amendments is the addition of medium-density housing throughout the residential portion of the plan area. This change was proposed by the developer to add more flexibility for future residential housing options. Previously, the area was mostly designated as low-density residential housing, allowing for single detached and semi-detached homes. But now, with the medium density designation, row houses and two- to three-story walk-up apartments may also be constructed.

The town received several letters in support of the proposed amendments to the area structure plan, included in the report.

Lakewood arena proposal

Lakewood Meadows could also feature a new twin-rink arena in the future.

Devmore met with town administration in September 2020 to discuss a proposal for a new twin-rink arena being considered for the northwest area of the development. During the Dec. 2 meeting, council voted to provide a letter of support for this project.

The letter was requested by Devmore at the request of the group’s financiers. The non-binding letter is to state that there is sufficient need for another ice arena in Strathmore but will include a condition that the town will not commit any financial resources to the project.

Devmore has been discussing the impact and viability of the project with the town’s recreation department. There is evidence of a need for the project, because in the town’s Recreation, Culture and Facilities Master Plan (2019), a new ice arena was ranked as the second-highest priority, based on surveys and focus groups.

Another ice arena could impact the operations of the Family Centre, according to a report by Thompson. However, it would also provide more recreational opportunities for groups within Strathmore.