Hygiene kits available – a COVID initiative

By Florence Kalia Times Contributor

Due to COVID-19, many people do not have access to essential things that are needed for everyday life. Many young people are also facing difficult times due to their parents being put out of work.

An initiative started in Calgary to help solve this problem is now being offered in Strathmore. The initiative consists of volunteers who gather supplies, create sanitary kits and deliver them to those in need. The packages mainly consist of sanitary items such as soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes/toothpaste, sanitary pads, face towels and razors.

“These packages are aimed for young women but can be adjusted and provided to anyone in need,” said Florence Kalia, the Strathmore ambassador with the hygiene kits initiative. “These kits provide help for someone who may not have the necessary means to provide things for themselves during this uncertain time.”

The hygiene kits project was started by a teenager in Calgary. She noticed her friends were going through some difficult times since their parents had lost their jobs. She decided to start small and help them out and now, the project has expanded to Strathmore as well.

Kalia decided to offer these care kits to the most vulnerable and provide some help to those in need in the Strathmore area. The packages can be requested by people in Calgary, Strathmore and surrounding areas.

“Increasing awareness about this project and that there is indeed help for those who require it during these difficult times is a key aspect to this initiative right now,” said Kalia.

The youngsters in Strathmore and Calgary are trying to spread the word through various mediums, and give their time and service to those who need it desperately in their communities. Volunteers have stepped up to the challenge and are providing help to this cause. Some associations have volunteered to make bags or gather supplies. The hygiene care kits are only available because of the donations and support throughout the communities.

The teens are thankful for the support they are receiving from their communities, and hope to spread the message about their cause so that people who require the packages can receive them. The whole group consists of volunteers so more helping hands are welcome any time.  

This initiative is run entirely on donations, so along with helping others, these youngsters volunteering their time highly appreciate any and all help, either monetary or by donation of supplies. To request a hygiene package, donate to this cause, or to learn more about the project, email covidhelpstrathmore@gmail.com or call 587-316-0374.