Yellow Vest Convoy to pass through Strathmore

By Janet Kanters Times Editor

The Yellow Vest Convoy is heading to Ottawa, and will be passing through Strathmore on Thursday, Feb. 14.
According to convoy manager Glen Carritt, it is hoped the convoy will create awareness for the oil and gas industry.
“The convoy is meant to create attention, to get people onboard and unite Canada,” said Glen Carritt. “But it’s not just oil and gas. It’s everybody that’s affected by today’s current governments.”
Carritt said the group wants a repeal of bill C48 (Oil Tanker Moratorium Act: An Act respecting the regulation of vessels that transport crude oil or persistent oil to or from ports or marine installations located along British Columbia’s north coast); and a repeal of bill C69 (An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts).
“We’re in favour of pipelines to move our products in the oil and gas sector to the rest of Canada, as well as the rest of the world,” he said. “And, we are opposed to the current format of the carbon tax. To tax the average family, that’s not working. It doesn’t prove to have any effect on emissions, so they need to redo the carbon tax or abolish it.”
On Feb. 14, the convoy will gather in Red Deer at 8 a.m., and after a few ceremonies will proceed on Highway 2 southbound. At Calgary, they will turn east onto Highway 1, and expect to be passing through Strathmore between 11 a.m. and noon.
“We’re hoping for 400 or 500 trucks leaving Red Deer,” said Carritt. “And we’re hoping some join in from Strathmore and Medicine Hat and other points along the way.”
“We need to spread the word outside the yellow vest group that we’re fighting for Canada. It doesn’t matter if you put the yellow vest on or not, just join. We’re going to be making history here,” said Carritt.
The Yellow Vest Convoy, expected to reach Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Feb. 19, has alerted the ministries of transportation and the RCMP, which are all aware of the convoy as it drives across the country. Anyone is welcome to the join the convoy by registering with Jason Corbeil via email (