Town Council in Brief

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Information from Strathmore Town Council Regular Meeting

Two public hearings were held on the evening of Nov. 6 at town council; the first on rezoning land use to build a crematorium and the second, a request for rezoning to accommodate secondary suites in Wildflower Ranch. While the presentation on the proposed crematorium was comprehensive, council decided to defer a decision to December’s meeting so they could have more time to study the potential benefits and issues.
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Secondary suites received approval after a timely first, second and third reading.
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Council, at the behest of the Sustainability Committee, will be drafting a letter to send to the provincial environment minister regarding recycling programs and costs. The committee requests the ministry amend the legislation to allow municipalities to change recycling fees.
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Councillor Lorraine Bauer flirted with proposing a motion for council to investigate whether a licence or permit should be required for AirBnB’s and other short-term rentals. Council did not have time to properly debate the motion before 10:30 p.m. and the matter was postponed until next meeting.
Complete minutes from council meetings can be found at once they have been adopted.