Support for dementia patients and caregivers available

By Janet Kanters Times Editor

People with questions about dementia now have access to help through Health Link.
The service, available 24/7, is accessible to any person living with dementia, to a concerned family member of someone diagnosed with dementia, or to a caregiver. The advantages of the service mean help is available and no one has to deal with the stress and strain of managing a dementia diagnosis on their own.
Dementia advice accessed by calling Health Link can assist in navigating the dementia journey by connecting a person with resources, answering questions, offering education and, most importantly, listening to individual situations.
When you call 811, the Health Link nurse will ask questions about your situation to address any immediate concerns, and then refer you to a specialized dementia advice nurse who is trained in supporting people living with dementia, as well as their caregivers. The dementia advice nurse will call back within 72 hours of your call to Health Link and will discuss what type of support you need specific to your situation.
To access the service, call Health Link provincewide at 811.