Strathmore music store expands to meet demand

By Christine Foshaug Times Contributor

After just two and a half years in business in Strathmore, MaxSPL Music found itself in an enviable situation.
Owner Daniel Wiewel and his two music teachers were booked solid, and he needed more space.
“We only had two lesson spaces,” explained Wiewel, “so if I didn’t make a change, I would have had to turn people away.”
Unable to expand in his original location, he decided to move to a different building, just a few doors over.
The move has allowed him to more than double his floor space, going from 400 square feet to about 1,000 square feet. There will be four teaching spaces, effectively doubling his capacity for students.
“We’ll be able to accommodate more than 100 students, so I’ve hired two more instructors,” Wiewel said. “And I’ll also have the room to expand my inventory and bring in some drums and keyboards, which I didn’t have room for at the previous location. It will be nice to display the instruments and accessories without having them crowded together.”
Wiewel and his four instructors give lessons in guitar, piano, voice, bass, ukulele, drums and saxophone. He’s also had interest in banjo and violin, so he’s started a waiting list.
The retail store will be open from Wednesday to Saturday, and lessons will be taught from Monday to Saturday. However, with the retail side getting busier every month, Wiewel anticipates having to increase the retail hours when the new store opens at the end of August.
When asked what makes his store so successful, Wiewel doesn’t hesitate. “I’ve learned from other people’s mistakes,” he said. “I’ve worked at other music stores, so I know what doesn’t work. I’ve been fortunate to recruit some amazing teachers from town and I treat them like gold. I put them first and I keep them happy.”
Wiewel will be celebrating the new and improved MaxSPL Music with a grand re-opening on Saturday, Aug. 31, featuring live music by his instructors. The new store is located at 134 3rd Avenue.