RSA to host choir from Canadian Mennonite University

By Laureen F. Guenther Times Contributor

The CMU Singers, a 41-voice auditioned choir based at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg, will perform at Rosebud Church, May 2, at 7:30 pm. Rosebud Chorale and Rosa Cantorum, based in Rosebud, will also perform. Admission is free.
Photo Courtesy of CMU
Rosebud School of the Arts will host a concert by the 41-voice CMU Singers, a choir from Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg. The CMU Singers, conducted by Dr. Janet Brenneman, are on tour in Alberta this spring. They will perform in Rosebud Church on May 2.
Two Rosebud choirs, conducted by Bill Hamm, will also participate in the concert. The Rosebud Chorale, comprised of Rosebud School of the Arts students, will perform some pieces with the CMU Singers. Rosa Cantorum, an auditioned Rosebud community women’s choir, will also perform.
Rosebud School of the Arts students will also perform dramatic pieces.
“There is a long, strong history of choral singing at this university, and this concert will be excellent,” said Hamm, music director at Rosebud School of the Arts (RSA) and Rosebud Theatre, for whom CMU is his alma mater. The CMU Singers is one of five auditioned choral ensembles at CMU.
The concert will be at 7:30 p.m. on May 2 at Rosebud Church. Admission is free, and a freewill offering will be taken. Proceeds will go to the Rosebud School of the Arts scholarship fund.
For more information or to offer a home billet for CMU choir members, contact Bill Hamm at