Lighting for Highways 901 and 817
By Sharon McLeay Times Contributor
Wheatland County is sending a letter to Alberta Transportation, asking about potential lighting installation at the intersection of Highways 901 and 817.
Liz McConnell, a spokesperson from MLA Derek Fildebrandt Strathmore-Brooks office, came to ask Wheatland County council for help on behalf of constituent concerns.
“Over the past three years, we have had a fair amount of constituents coming in with concerns about the intersection of Highways 901 and 817; it is on an angle and a lot of people are finding it extremely difficult to navigate in foggy or winter weather conditions. They are wondering if anything can be done about putting a street lamp in that area,” said McConnell.
She said the MLA’s office had contacted Alberta Transportation, but that ministry did not want to address it until the rerouting of Highway 1 begins.
Alan Parkin, Wheatland County chief administrative officer, estimated it would cost around $20,000. If Alberta Transportation accepts the proposal, but will not pay for it, council would discuss paying to have the lighting put in.
Lakes of Muirfield gains new businesses
Two applicants from the Lakes of Muirfield came before Wheatland County council on Jan. 8 to ask for approval for a fitness business and a liquor store, restaurant and café.
Council considered the applications and granted both.
“This is a great step forward for the community and Lyalta. It is nice to see this,” said Councillor Scott Klassen.
One size doesn’t fit all
Recently, Wheatland County changed the land use bylaw 2016-1 to include garden suites, a smaller dwelling allowed to be placed with a primary dwelling on lots in hamlets. However, planners were finding one size doesn’t fit all.
“We had nine out of 10 applications requesting some variance or other, so I drafted this amendment” said Megan Williams, junior planner with Wheatland County.
The term garden suite was changed to secondary use dwelling, flexibility was given on size, changes to specifications and definition with some changes to things around the primary dwelling. The rest of the bylaw is unchanged.
Council approved the amendment.
Fee amendment
Wheatland County council approved charging $500 for individual requests for sign placement and installation on roads.
Rural community book box, round two
Jason Kelly brought back his idea for rural community book boxes, with Wheatland County council agreeing to modifications he had made to the original proposal for book exchange boxes in rural communities.
“The large signage has been removed, as requested. Donation and contact information for maintenance will be approximately 8 inches by 10 inches and will be located on the door of each free community book exchange. I will be inspecting and maintaining all locations on a regular basis and will respond promptly to any concerns,” said Kelly to concerns about his previous sign design.
All the county’s requirements and suggestions have been met with regard to construction and location of the free community book exchanges. Canada Post and Alberta Transportation have given permission for the installations at the above proposed sites. Comments made at the previous council meeting confirmed the proposed sites will not cause any interference with site lines, road clearing, traffic or foot traffic. Locations will not block mail boxes or access to them. There are no objections from any other approving authorities
Kelly proposes to place them in hamlets near community centres to improve exposure and convenient use for residents.