Kindness rocks Strathmore

By Brad Everett Times Contributor

Strathmore Kindness Rocks refers to the brightly painted rocks one can find strategically placed around town, as well as a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a large difference.
Beth-Anna Van Delllan stumbled across the idea when her family was camping last summer at Mount Kidd in Kananaskis and her children found some painted rocks left by the group, Canmore Kindness Rocks. They thought it was a great idea, brought it back with them to Strathmore and began collecting, painting and placing rocks around town as a way to brighten the day for others.
“It’s not an earth-shattering endeavor, but it’s fun for kids to be able to make a difference in a small way,” said Van Dellan.
She started the Facebook page Strathmore Kindness Rocks last July, inviting others to paint rocks, posting where they left them or where they found them.
The idea took off, with individual families taking on the project, as well as it becoming part of events such as the PopUp PlayDate and the Teddy Bear Picnic in Kinsman park last fall, where tables were set up so kids could colour and hide rocks.
“With people divided on so much these days, painting rocks with kids is simple but it can bring people together,” said Van Dellan.
One young Strathmore girl latched onto the idea in a big way. Braelyn Carlson saw the rocks while downtown with her mom Amber and was so taken with the rocks, some with faith- based messages, that she gathered up 80 or so and took them to her kindergarten classmates at Trinity Christian Academy, where the kids are sharing them back and forth with each other.
“They were excited to get the rocks and they felt happy,” said Carlson, “because they got God’s word.”
Asked why she gave her classmates the rocks Carlson said, “because it’s nice to do that, and nice to God. It’s good for the heart.”
Giving or receiving such acts of kindness, no matter how seemingly small can be good for the heart. For more information on Strathmore Kindness Rocks see their page of the same name on Facebook.