Gleichen car show and dance a success
By Margaret Newton Submitted
Photo Courtesy of
Margaret Newton
The weather co-operated for most of the day although we did get a microburst later in the afternoon.
Mike Junor, who spearheaded the event, worked very hard to get prizes from local businesses and all the car and motorcycle guys and gals who showcased their vehicles went home with wonderful gifts.
Cars were entered from Gleichen, Bassano, Three Hills, Strathmore and Calgary. As well as cars, we had seven vendors both outside and in the centre. In the centre we had a canteen that did a brisk business from 9 a.m. until midnight.
ReMax kindly donated the use of their fabulous bouncy castle and two shelters. The Kids Zone included the bouncy castle and crafts, and all the kids who attended had a great deal of fun.
Prairie Fire (Norah and Harry Dreidger) were the entertainers for the evening dance. There was a good attendance, and everyone had an excellent time – the music was terrific (folks were still talking about it at Tuesday’s Jam Session at the Centre). Several young folks who are working at Wilderness Ranch this summer and were visiting family in Gleichen dropped in and their dancing skills were amazing.
In the community were several garage sales which we know people appreciated visiting. There was something for everyone!
Many thanks to all our generous donors and to all the executive and board members that helped make this event such a success. The executive and board of the Gleichen and District Community Association were so encouraged by the turnout and positive comments that we are booking Saturday, July 25, 2020 for the 2nd Annual GDCA Car Show. So please mark us in your calendars for next year.