Fourth year for Stuff-a-Bus project

By Christine Foshaug Times Contributor

Jayce Beekman, 15 (l-r) and Devan Lausen, 14, spent Nov. 23 making a difference by volunteering at Sobeys for the Christmas Hamper Society’s Stuff-a-Bus project.
Christine Foshaug Photo

On Nov. 23, residents of Strathmore and Wheatland County stepped up, filling three buses with donations for the fourth annual Stuff-a-Bus project.
The Stuff-a-Bus project is the biggest fundraiser for the Strathmore and Wheatland Christmas Hamper campaign, which runs from Nov. 12 to Dec. 22. Every year, dedicated volunteers work together as a team to help more than 200 local families over the holiday season.
The society, which was formed 34 years ago with a mission to provide assistance to the needy by distributing food and other necessities at Christmas time, provides a hamper to all families that qualify through their screening process.
“Our main executive has some long-standing volunteers with 15 plus years involved and a volunteer base of near 100 people,” explained chairman Craig Stone. “Many are longstanding and dedicated volunteers.”
On average, volunteers spend six to eight hours per week, starting in mid-November and going until Dec. 22, which is the last day for hamper delivery. Executive and program coordinators devote 10-12 hours per week.
The Stuff-a-Bus concept came from a person in Strathmore who had been involved in a similar campaign in Taber. Golden Hills School Division donates the buses and drivers, with one bus at No Frills, another at Co-op, and a third located between Walmart and Sobeys.
In total, it takes about 28 volunteers to run the event. There are volunteers at each location, accepting donations and then wheeling loaded carts to the bus and filling up the seats. The bus donations are then taken to the staging area for sorting, checking and preparing for distribution.
“I have been involved for six years,” said Stone. “I get to work alongside a great bunch of volunteers, people whom I can call friends, and we provide a greatly needed service to our town and county.”
A wish list of items can be found on the society’s website, but they accept any donations of dry goods, toys, money and gift cards. Donation bins are located at various local businesses, and donations can be dropped off until Dec. 15. For more information, or to volunteer, visit