Finding help through a difficult time

By FCSS Strathmore News Release

This September, Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Calgary Region, in partnership with the Town of Strathmore and FCSS Strathmore, will be facilitating an eight-week suicide bereavement support group in Strathmore.
CMHA Calgary is looking forward to bringing this group to Strathmore, to offer help and support to those in surrounding communities. This group is meant for anyone who has lost someone to suicide.
Topics that may be discussed in the eight-week group include understanding the grief process, family dynamics, forgiveness, exploring emotion, preparing for the holidays and special occasions, sharing our stories, and exploring meaning through symbolization and analogy.
The group will begin Monday, Sept. 9 and run until Nov. 4, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Strathmore Civic Centre (130 Brent Blvd). Please note, there will be no group on Oct. 14.
If you would like to participate, please RSVP to CMHA Calgary’s counselling team at or call 403-297-1708.
In addition to the eight-week group in Strathmore, we have further support through counselling, drop-in groups and our annual Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.
We offer suicide bereavement counselling for individuals, families and couples to develop an enhanced understanding of their own wellness, and receive coping strategies to stay well after the loss of their loved one.
Our drop-in groups, which will run biweekly on Thursdays (please check websites for actual dates and times), are facilitated by CMHA counsellors, and provide a confidential and safe space for individuals to share, network and meet others who can understand and provide support.
On Nov. 16, we will be holding our annual Survivors of Suicide Loss Day – an international day to build support and community for those left behind. The full day event is for anyone (parent, child, spouse/partner, aunt, uncle, cousin, niece, nephew, friend or extended relationships) who has lost someone to suicide to come together and connect in a supportive environment.
The day features guest speakers, small group discussions and activities. Throughout the year, we also offer a condensed version of Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, which features the same elements on a smaller scale.
To access these counselling programs, please contact or call 403-297-1708 ,or visit our website (