Boob Tour raises money with laughter

By Christine Foshaug Times Contributor

On Friday, Nov. 1, the Magical Moms will be hosting their annual Boob Tour Comedy Show at the Civic Centre with three comedians performing.
The Magical Moms formed in 2007. With a strong desire to raise money for breast cancer, they began participating in the Relay for Life. But when that event changed and eventually stopped, they transitioned to hosting the Boob Tour nine years ago.
Shelly Neal, Patti Van Bavel, Dallas Stickel and Amy Hampton comprise the Magical Moms and, together with their husbands, they organize the comedy show every year.
The first year, they barely sold 60 tickets. Since then they’ve sold 250-300 tickets for each show, and several shows have sold out.
“We’ve grown throughout the years and find that not only is it successful for us in our fundraising efforts, it is also an affordable, fun night out for our community members,” said Neal. “It combines laughter and a great fundraising opportunity.”
Comedian James Uloth is the founder of the Boob Tour, and he coordinates the comedians for the shows that are put on across North America. Many of the comedians have been affected by cancer in some way, with some being survivors themselves and others having family members who have or had cancer.
The Magical Moms take care of the rest, with their husbands tending bar at the show. Along with the bar, there is also a silent auction and a 50-50 raffle.
To date, the Boob Tour shows in Strathmore have raised more than $70,000, which is split between the Tom Baker Cancer Centre and the Drumheller Community Cancer Centre.
“We have all had family members who have accessed both centres,” explained Neal, “and they’re the closest centres for residents of Strathmore and Wheatland County.”
The Magical Moms get great feedback from the shows, which are enjoyed by men and women alike. Some people have even told them they should charge more, but they want to keep the cost low so everyone can attend and have fun.
“We know that cancer has in some way affected every single person in our audience,” said Neal. “And who doesn’t love to come out for a good belly laugh and a great cause?”
The Boob Tour Comedy Show is on Nov. 1; doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $35 and include three comedians and midnight lunch. Tables of eight can be booked for reserved seating.
For tickets, call 403-934-9765 (Patti), 403-998-3661 (Amy) or 403-901-9398 (Dallas).