Matrix cheer plans for new building
By Tyler Lowey, Times Reporter

Photo Courtesy of Cassi Weiss
On May 22, the owners of Jumphouse Gymnastics announced they will begin to transition into a new business model that will focus more on tumbling and cheerleading routines.
“We’re ready to expand and move onto new things. We have plans to build a new facility in the industrial area. We think having a new building just for cheerleading will help further growth of the sport in our community and build a very strong program here in Strathmore,” said Cassi Weiss, a coach with the Matrix’s Platinum Elite program.
As for the current Jumphouse Gymnastics building, this new project doesn’t mean the doors will close on the old gym.
“We are hoping a new group wants to take over Jumphouse to continue other gymnastic programs there,” said Weiss.
The new building is set to open sometime between September and December.
With the new building going up, the Matrix hopes it sparks more interest in cheerleading locally. This year it operated with four teams. With the season now in the rearview mirror, tryouts will start soon, and the new building could house up to six competitive programs along with a couple of recreational teams.
“There is definitely interest in the town for more teams; with the right set up, I think adding more teams is doable,” said Weiss.
The Platinum Elite program should have more interest heading into next season after the squad recorded its best finish at a major international event earlier in the month.
The local cheer squad showed off its skills at the annual Summit All Star Cheerleading championship May 3-4 in Orlando, Fla.
Thousands of teams from around the globe put in a bid to make the trip and only 35 Canadian clubs were accepted.
“Earning an invite was huge for us in the first place,” said Weiss. “I was really proud of the program we put out on the floor and I think we (represented) Strathmore and Canada really well.”
The Elite, with their team of 18, competed in the international senior co-ed Level 3 division, going up against cheerleaders between the ages of 11 and 17.
After one day of practice, the Elite performed in the semis and needed to place in the Top 10 of their division to advance to the finals.
After running a fairly solid routine, the Elite placed 15th, narrowly missing a trip to the championship round.
“That was an amazing experience and one of the best things that has ever happened to our team,” said senior member Hailey Sutherland. “To see how far the program has come since I joined eight years ago is amazing. We all worked so hard to make it to the Summit and I think we did very well.”
Even though the Elite program didn’t reach the final stage, the trip was not lost. The team still enjoyed the sights of Orlando, including a pair of trips to different Walt Disney World locations.
With the potential of cheerleading being added to the 2024 Summer Olympics, the recent success of the Elite team and a brand new building to harness their skills, the sky is the limit for the Matrix Cheer.
“We have a great bond with our program,” said Sutherland. “We have the athleticism to compete on the world stage, but what makes us a great team is how great we stick together. I’m excited to see what this team has in store in the next few years.”