Chamber spices up AGM
By Miriam Ostermann, Associate Editor

Brad Everett Photo
Eleven local restaurants and establishments sampled their food and beverages to roughly 50 people in attendance – members and non-members – who participated in the evening on March 26. While the event served as the platform for the chamber’s AGM, the meetings only lasted 20 minutes and focused primarily on building relationships and creating connections with local businesses and community members.
“We kept the meeting to a dull roar … it’s just a matter of trying to make it a little bit more fun and exciting and I think with inviting non-members it invites potential members to see it and see what’s going on,” said Lawrence Carriere, executive director of the Strathmore & District Chamber of Commerce.
“We did not get as many people as we projected or were hoping for … but it was a good turnout.”
According to Carriere future opportunities such as fundraisers, moving the AGM outside during the summer, and greater member involvement is on the radar to improve revenue and attract other businesses to join the organization.
Currently the chamber’s membership is just shy of 100 members.
While the chamber spiced up the event with local vendors, the organization was able to tend to some business during the meeting. The chamber was presented with the 2017 financial report and approved a new budget. The meeting revealed that the chamber is in good steady financial standing.
Although the chamber had a similar event a few years ago, which included wine tasting, members felt featuring various local businesses in the food and beverage sector would garner more attention and result in a memorable evening.
Thus far feedback received by the chamber from those in attendance has been positive.
Vendors at the AGM included origin Malting & Brewing Co., Humpty’s Restaurant, The Strathmore Station Restaurant, Original Joe’s, The Broil, Pure Country Meats, Pizza 249, The Country Farmhouse, Back to Good Market & Deli, and Rocking R Guest Ranch.
The Strathmore & District Chamber of Commerce’s second annual Not Your Grandfather’s AGM took place on March 26 at the Strathmore Civic Centre.