Crowther participates in active living


Adelle Ellis
Times Reporter


Around 100 Grade 8 students at Crowther Memorial Junior High School (CMJHS) participated in several physical activities during Active Living day on Feb. 13.
The initiative to increase the awareness of the importance of students being physically active started four years ago with the first annual CMJHS school ski trip.
Grade 8 students are given the option to leave regular classes for one day so that they may take a trip to Nakiska ski resort to learn how to ski. This trip usually leaves half of the class, who can’t or don’t want to ski, back at school. Since continuing with regular classes with only half the usual students seems redundant, the school started the initiative to keep students who remain at the school physically active.
“We felt it was important to offer alternative activities for students who opted to stay back,” said Earl Sorensen, a teacher at CMJHS. “By offering a variety of activities, we can expose our students to active lifestyle choices that they might not otherwise pursue.”
Activities offered to students who stayed in Strathmore this year included ice skating, gymnastics, yoga, Zumba and Tai Chi. Students had the opportunity to participate in each activity at some point throughout the day.
“Most students look forward to this day,” said Sorensen. “This year we have more students than ever before opting to remain at the school [instead of skiing] to take part in the Active Living day.”
The initiative to keep students active and to introduce them to different types of sporting programs sees many students keeping up with the programs outside of school hours and participating in more and different programs while at school as well.
“CMJHS has always believed in the importance of students being physically active,” said Sorensen. “Whether it’s through our daily physical education program, our hockey program, lunchtime intramurals, extensive after-school sports programs or Active Living day, students are encouraged to be active and fit.”