Youth Club summer camps ready to go
Andrea Roberts
Times Intern
With the school year coming to an end, the Youth Club of Strathmore is gearing up for its summer camps.
“We have lots of fun and engaging activities for the kids to participate in,” said Shannon Zieman, Youth Club program director.
The eight-week-long summer camps feature a different theme each week, with camp leaders incorporating a variety of activities, games and crafts that correspond with that week’s theme. The first week of the summer camp will be medieval-themed.
Some themes will coincide with events happening in the community. For instance, during the Strathmore Stampede the summer camp theme will be the “wild west.” The last week of camp is “dog days of summer,” which will involve a celebration before school starts up again.
During the summer camp weeks, the youth will experience a number of different activities. On Mondays they will go to the splash park, Tuesdays to Jumphouse Gymnastics, Wednesdays to the swimming pool, Thursday is field trip day while Friday is dedicated to community service.
The Youth Club has had a lot of interest in their summer camps. Each week involves a separate registration, and while most of the weeks are full already, there are spots still available in others.
For more information or to register, call 403-934-4918.