Work to begin on new Lions Park
Andrea Roberts
Times Intern
The Strathmore Lions Club will soon start development of the Lions Park, which will be situated in the green space between the Western Irrigation District (WID) canal and Grande Point Estates.
The development had been in talks for a while, with an agreement finally struck between the WID, the Town of Strathmore, the Strathmore Lions Club and the Strathmore Assembly of Youth (SAY).
The development of the park will take place in phases, and the Lions Club hopes to complete the first phase by the end of summer.
“Park development is very expensive,” said Robert Breitweiser, chair of the park development committee. “So we are going to develop the park over a number of years and it will be an ongoing project.”
Recently Breitweiser updated town council on the progress of the park and established that the cost of the park will be borne by the Lions Club. They received positive feedback from the councillors who thanked the club for their efforts.
The park will also serve as the Strathmore Lions Club’s Legacy Project. Internationally, Lions Clubs are encouraged to create a project in celebration of the Club’s 100th anniversary in 2017.
The first phase will include a memorial forest on the east side of the park close to George Freeman Trail. The memorial forest will allow people to have trees planted in memory of a loved one or in honour of a special anniversary. They will also be adding more paving to connect to the existing pathways. There will be two pathways added; the first will be 55 metres long on the west side of the park while the second will be 285 metres on the east side of the park.
The Lions Club would also like to add three picnic tables to the area, and a few benches around the memorial forest.
There are Strathmore Disc Golf Course baskets in the area but the park will not affect play as SAY had been in talks with the Lions Club when they planned the course.
The Lions Club has also ensured that the residents who are in the area are well informed of the plans for the park, and Breitweiser said so far they have had positive feedback about the developments.