Well-deserved animal care award


Sharon McLeay
Times Contributor


Area residents know the Animal Care Centre of Strathmore is a good place to take their animals for health care. The centre’s website indicates 98 per cent of their clients would refer others to the centre.
That community confidence has reached a national level. The centre was awarded the 2016 practise of the year from the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA).
“The CVMA is pleased to honour the Animal Care Centre of Strathmore the Practise of the Year Award for not only their compassion and dedication to the animals in their care, but for their commitment to the betterment of their community and its members,” says Dr. Nicole Gallant, 2015-16 CVMA President.
The Scotiabank-sponsored award of $1,000 and a plaque was set up in 2013 to recognize veterinary practice teams with outstanding achievement within their local community. The definition of outstanding for this award includes innovation, provision of veterinary services, commitment to work-life balance, meaningful community or charitable involvement, or implementation of “green” practice procedure.
The nominees are chosen by the CVMA executive and council members, who review each entry and assess the candidate’s skills and history that apply to the award.
Letters of nomination include 1,000 words on the nominee’s professional accomplishments, letters of support, news articles in the last two years and any articles written by the nominee.
The award was given to Dr. Jodi Viste, at the 2016 CVMA conference held in Ontario last week. Vista said she was speechless and honoured when she heard they were chosen.
Viste founded the centre in 2007, which currently has six veterinarians and 31 staff members to look after large and small animal needs. The facility has indoor treatment areas for larger animals and extensive technical equipment, and veterinarians provide specialized surgical services not offered elsewhere.
“After all the effort, time and commitment we put into our work, it is nice to get this recognition,” said Viste. “It is a team effort and we are so thankful for the support of this community. They have been good to us.”
That gratitude is given back by the centre to the community. One per cent of the gross earnings are given annually to a local community group or sports team. Their nail trim program awards $10 toward a different animal rescue charity each month. The last three months have been dedicated to efforts of rescue groups to care for animals caught in the Fort McMurray fire. A local school group’s fundraising efforts added to those raised from the nail trim program have helped the centre surpass their $2,500 fundraising goal.
The centre also supports the Animal Rescue Foundation spay and neuter program. Aboriginal communities request help to reduce wild dog populations and veterinarians donate their time to perform the needed surgeries to keep the populations under control.
The Town of Strathmore and Wheatland County coordinate efforts with the centre to place stray animals. The centre helps identify animals, getting them back to owners and assists until strays can be transferred to Calgary Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and new owners located.
Staff from the centre volunteers to monitor stock at the local rodeos. Recent events attended were the Rockyford Bull-A-Rama, Cody Snyder’s Bullbustin’ at the Ranchman’s in Calgary and the Big Hitch event.
Public education sessions are given to groups like 4-H, and the centre allows aspiring veterinarians to volunteer for career training.
Pet-to-owner parasites are currently in the centre’s scope, the main one being ticks. There is a vaccination for dogs against tick illnesses and Viste encourages owners to get tested for Lyme disease, as it is becoming more prevalent in Alberta. Pet obesity is another issue the centre is addressing. They will be holding weight loss clinics for pets in the near future. The centre has nutritious food for purchase, and the food loyalty program helps keeps animals healthy by awarding a $50 gift certificate towards their pet’s next visit to the centre, after the purchase of 10 bags of animal food.
Check out the Animal Care Centre of Strathmore website at animalcarecentre.ca to see the many services and information provided. The site highlights animal news and issues, client reviews and interesting success stories on the animal patients they have treated.