Outdoor rink off to great start
Justin Seward
Times Reporter
The Strathmore Lions Club Regional Outdoor Rink has only been open a couple of months, but it received great feedback from the community and made Strathmore and District Agricultural Society’s President Dennis McNeill pleased with the facility’s usage this far.
“It’s been a very busy season since the construction was completed,” said McNeill. “With the Christmas season, it’s been extremely busy. We’ve seen as many as 60 people on it.”
The arena became operational after the Strathmore Lions Club stepped up to become the title sponsor with a donation of $75,000 towards the construction. The Government of Alberta’s Community Facility Enhancement program also kicked in another $75,000.
Other sponsorship included two platinum category companies who donated $25,000 each, six gold sponsors pitched in $15,000, one silver (Level 1) gave $7,500 and 17 silver (Level 2) local businesses and people contributed $5,000 each to bring the total to over $400,000.
“The committee was extremely good at getting sponsors,” said McNeill. “And sponsors have been very receptive to a community project such as this. It’s been a little bit overwhelming. The funding has come in and we’ve actually had some of the sponsors come through for a second time and talked about the new building, needing a washroom and a Zamboni room and change rooms.”
McNeill said he was involved, along with other tradesmen, in bringing in donated labour for the construction of the arena, and felt this went a long way with the building of the rink, as well as volunteers coming to help with the landscape.
However, he has received concerns about the balance of hockey players and skaters on the ice, which he has brought it to the Ag Board. However, he said both parties have been cooperating and it’s a problem for any ice surface.
The original intent was to not have any limitation as to when people can go skate on it, but a suggestion had been brought forward to set hours aside for public skating.
“The problem is who is going to police it,” said McNeill. “I guess like everything else, public input will have to be sought and they’ll have to come up with something that works. You see people on it all hours of the day and night. At this point we haven’t put any timers on the lighting. Basically it’s on all night.”
Town of Strathmore’s Community Service Coordinator Tracy Simpson said to have the funds raised in a year and to get the arena built has been nothing short of amazing.
“The town and town council are really impressed