Let’s get reading
Andrea Roberts
Times Intern
Leah Elder and Carly Davidson are ready to bring the joys of reading to local children at the Strathmore Municipal Library for the annual Summer Reading Program. The theme this year is “wild” and the two coordinators have been hard at work planning on how to incorporate the theme into each week’s activities while inspiring the youths to read.
“Come September they will be the kids the teacher doesn’t have to worry about,” said Elder.
“They will be the leaders in their class, they will be strong readers, they will be helping their friends and it gives them an opportunity to meet new people.”
Once children are registered in similar age groups, they will embark on four weeks of games, crafts and reading, all of which encompass the wild theme such as wild weather, the wild west and wild Canada. Each age group will have the event tailored to them and their level of ability. The program is offered to children aged three years old to Grade 7.
For Davidson the aim of the program is to help the children who like to read books grow, and instill a love of reading in others.
“I don’t believe that anyone doesn’t like to read they just haven’t found the right book yet,” she said.
“But that is our job and we are going to find the right book.”
At the end of the program the top readers and those that have improved the most will receive prizes, although the coordinators are hoping for some donations in order to get bigger, more personalized prizes.
Both Elder and Davidson grew up with libraries as an integral part of their lives. Davidson, who is from Strathmore, was part of the reading program when she was younger and spent most of her school years lost in a book. This is what has inspired her to get her Library Information Tech diploma after she finishes studying English and Psychology. While being a passionate reader she has also worked with children over the years.
Elder grew up in St. Albert where she too participated in reading programs. As her mom is a librarian she knows the ins and outs of library etiquette. She is an engineering student at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) but she has spent a lot of time helping children as part of the girl guides.
Registration begins June 11 on the Strathmore Municipal Library website. Children must have their own library card to register.