Hitch up for cancer ride

Andrea Roberts
Times Intern


The Blackfoot Crossing Cancer Ride returns this year with the goal of raising money for the Alberta Cancer Foundation on Aug. 28
Last year, the first-time event raised over $2,000, and involved three wagons and 17 riders. This year, organizers are hoping for similar numbers.
“This started because I couldn’t find any cancer rides down here to join in on,” said Rhonda Leger, the organizer of the event. “I had family members lost due to cancer so I was trying to incorporate that into the ride as well.”
Siksika Nation hosts the event and participants will be able to enjoy traditional native food such as berry soup, a stew made of rice and cabbage, and Leger is hoping they will also be able to have some fried bread.
A native dancer will give a small dance demonstration and will perform a traditional native blessing, asking the spirits to guide the riders through the land.
The ride will begin at the top of the hill and head down to the Blackfoot Crossing where Treaty 7 was signed in 1877. They will then continue alongside the Bow River where the 2013 floods destroyed the old rodeo grounds.
The ride should take up half of the morning and Leger said any level of rider can take part in the event or take a ride on one of the wagons. She is also hoping for more donations or prizes for a silent auction.
“I just look forward to seeing everyone out there for the ride because it doesn’t matter if you can ride. It is a ride to have fun. It is a ride to try to beat this horrible disease.”
For more information or to make a donation, visit the Facebook page (Blackfoot Crossing Cancer Ride), or contact Rhonda Leger at 403-499-9733 or by e-mail (pidwer12@gmail.com).