Halloween costume exchange at the library
Melissa Strle
Times Reporter
The Strathmore Library is hosting its third annual Halloween costume exchange on Sept. 30 from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
According to Carmen Erison, assistant director of library services, the costume exchange works on the premise of “bring a costume, take a costume.”
This applies to accessories as well.
Erison said the program is great because many people have kid’s Halloween costumes, and “this gives you an opportunity to purge and get rid of the old stuff and walk away with something new that’s not going to cost you a lot of money. It’s a great time to be able to swap out some cool stuff.”
Erison encourages people to drop off new or used Halloween costumes and accessories at the library between Sept. 26-29. At that time, they will be given a ticket which they can redeem on Sept. 30 for a different costume or accessory.
The library will have costumes for all ages – everything from babies all the way to adults – and already has a great stock of Halloween costumes that it has kept throughout the year.
Erison said people without costumes to drop off will still be able to participate on Sept. 30.
“For the last half hour of the program, people are welcome to come in and shop for costumes for just a simple cash donation to the library,” she said.
Last year, the library exchanged approximately 45 costumes and a high volume of accessories, and this year Erison is hoping to see a large amount of costumes and accessories exchanged again.
She said the event keeps getting bigger each year and people are starting to become more aware of it.
According to Erison, the library prides itself in offering a wide variety of engaging, free and low-cost programming for the citizens of Strathmore and this is the goal behind the Halloween cos-tume exchange.
“We want to keep this very reasonable for people to be able to celebrate this fun holiday,” said Erison. “It’s one of the programs that I’m just so proud of and I love.”