Guess who’s back?
Andrea Roberts
Times Intern
Wow, what a year! Since I was here last, the summer of 2015, a lot has happened both personally and in the world around us. Personally, I find myself going into my third and final year of my journalism degree at Mount Royal University.
I grew more as a person and a journalist finding the issues I was interested in. I became more outspoken and outgoing although my shyness still remains. I unfortunately didn’t get to write too many stories this year, although I did do some coverage on the federal election for one of the university’s papers. I did, however, learn to tell stories in different formats like a podcast and video.
When I left the Strathmore Times last summer I left with a new sense of accomplishment, having managed to survive the rather scary world of journalism.
I also realized that while I had learned so much, there was still so much out there that I didn’t know. I only hope that this summer internship will continue to help me grow further as a person and a journalist.
I want to bring you the news in the best way I can and hope we can form a bond of friendship, even if it is just through the words in this newspaper. So here is to another good summer of excitement, and feel free to say hi if you see me around town.