Fort McMurray fire reunites billet family with local player

Andrea Roberts
Times Intern


When Strathmore local Shane Fraser went to play hockey for the Fort McMurray Oil Barons, the Graham family became his billet family and opened their home to him. Now he is returning the favour as the Grahams are one of the many families displaced by the Fort McMurray fires.
Fraser stayed with Brian, Kelly and their son Brandon for about eight months during the last year, while he played for the local hockey team. He was grateful to have people he could be close to well away from home. During that time they became like a second family to him and so it only seemed right that he help them however he could.
“To see what was happening in Fort McMurray I thought it would be perfect to see them again and bring them to my house,” said Fraser.
“I don’t know just be a good idea to bring them in and under the circumstances, I thought it was the right thing to do as well.”
He explained that the family was thankful for what he and his own family have done for them in this tough time. Fraser himself though is thankful for the help they have received from the community as people have come forward to help by bringing over food and other needed goods.
The fire caused about 88,000 Fort McMurray residents to evacuate the town, and many do not know whether they will have a home to go back to. Fraser said that right now for the family it is a waiting game to see when they can return home, but until then they have a place to stay in Strathmore.