Entrepreneurial camp seeks youths

Miriam Ostermann
Times Associate Editor


Celebrating its 20-year anniversary, the Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp (AYEC) is offering 60 teenagers from south and central Alberta, including four local individuals, the opportunity to become business savvy and awaken their entrepreneurial frame of mind.
Every year, the complimentary camp – a Community Futures initiative – provides those 13 to 15 years of age with a one-week entrepreneurial-based camp to provide the education of business training with a summer camp environment. Zip lining and horseback riding aside, the camp challenges the participants to take on a leadership role, build teamwork, develop a business, and create a product to be sold at a market at the end of the camp.
“The big benefit will be to learn entrepreneurship, economic development, and growing our rural communities,” said Wendy Gerbrandt, community economic development coordinator.
“That’s the key point. We want our kids to come back and start businesses, so the more we can build that entrepreneurial spirit up, the better we are.”
In the past, the experience required the youths to build up their capital, devise a product, and collaborate together with mentors – participants who have taken part in the camp in previous years. Last year, six students applied for the four spots with Community Futures Wildrose, and Gerbrandt expects to have a good mix in applications of those new to the camp and those who have visited the camp before again this year.
Campers will also be exposed to guest speakers and participate in workshops, which will teach the components of a business plan, advertising, record keeping, marketing, and cash-flow. After splitting up into teams to come up with a business idea, they will meet with suppliers and bankers, and build their product or service. Any profits left over from the market, after paying back the business loans, will be evenly split between the team members.
In partnership with the Alberta Human Services, the Alberta Lottery Fund, Community Futures offices in south and central Alberta, and the Rotary Clubs of District 5360, the camp, which is located at Eagles Nest Ranch in Cypress Hills, is free of charge for those four individuals selected to participate. The camp will run Aug. 14-20 with a deadline for applications on June 15. For more information contact Wendy Gerbrandt at 403-934-8888 or e-mail wgerbrandt@shaw.ca. To learn more about AYEC visit www.ayec.ca.