Clean and green for Wheatland County
Sharon McLeay
Times Contributor
Wheatland County has approved an environmental policy that will guide future county operations.
“It should be understood this policy applies to municipal operations only and does not dictate any action or management on private lands,” stated Allysa Cumberland, environmental conservation coordinator for the county.
“Increasing our focus on the environment in decision making will ensure environmental values are protected for the good of our residents, visitors and industry; while ensuring compliance with environmental regulations will protect us from the cost of liability associated with failing to do so.”
The plan adheres to environmental guidelines previously set out under regional, provincial and federal environmental plans and acts, but coordinates with social and economic realities of residents in the county. Stakeholder input, scientific information and studies will provide ongoing input into the plan. The county hopes to develop partnerships within the county businesses and community organizations to achieve common environmental goals.
“We are also going to be able to receive more revenue with the implementation of this plan, as there is an environmental funding stream we can access,” said Wheatland CAO Alan Parkin in regards to benefits of the plan.
To administer the plan a new staff member would be hired, and an injection of $36,600 transferred from county budget into the environmental program was requested. Council approved the request on Oct. 4.