Youth Club fundraises for the community’s youth

Andrea Roberts
Times Contributor


As a new aspect to the community service portion of the Youth Club of Strathmore, the Alberta Children’s Hospital will receive a nice chunk of change as a result of numerous fundraising events.
“Basically the club is adopting a program of kids helping kids,” said Shannon Zieman, the program director of the Youth Club. “They are going to focus for the very first time on kids raising money or different events that directly impact other kids.”
The youths in the club made the decision to donate the money to the hospital as one of their members is a frequent visitor. The club has raised $849.80 as of Aug. 17, through events such as a car wash, a bake sale and a bottle drive. The children will travel to the hospital where they will donate their hard-earned proceeds on Aug. 21 and will then receive a tour of the facilities.
Zieman explained that they will continue with the program of kids helping kids and hope to form a fund that can be used to buy backpacks and school supplies, or to help families with the school fees if they are unable to afford them. This ensures that the money goes directly back into the community.
While the club’s youths are helping residents in the community, the club will be hosting its bi-annual fundraising event to help offset programming costs.
The adult-only comedy night is usually held in June, but has been postponed this year until Sept. 12 at the Civic Centre. Tickets can be bought from the Youth Club for $25.