Tech help at the library

Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter


Courtney Gordon has assumed a new role at the Strathmore Municipal Library for the month of March. Thanks to a grant through the Community Access Program (CAP) Youth Initiative Gordon has been hired to be the CAP coordinator. She is available every afternoon to help people with their technology needs, whether it’s learning how to text, add attachments in e-mails, or opening up a Facebook account.
“It complements our already successful tech tutoring program,” said Carmen Erison, assistant director of library services.
There are four sessions coming up where Gordon will speak about specific programs. The first is Feb. 25 on using Facebook; then on March 9 it’s learning how to use e-mail. March 20 is learning to use Pinterest, and the final session is March 27 on Instagram.
The sessions will teach basic navigation, precautions, privacy settings and answer questions the attendees may have.
“So you can come to the library and sign up, it’s free and come on those days to learn how it works,” said Gordon.
Those interested in the sessions can call the library any evening and ask for Gordon. If you can’t make it to one of the courses, one-on-one appointments can be scheduled to talk about anything regarding technology.
Gordon will only be on hand at the library to help with technology needs until the end of March. She will still be available as a program facilitator after the CAP coordinator position ends.