Parade of Nations another huge success


Manny Everett
Times Contributor


Lord of All Lutheran Church members and friends were busy preparing for their annual Parade of Nations Supper over the last couple of weeks.
From making and freezing foods, crafting centrepieces and backdrops for their display tables, there has been a lot of work going into the event, which was held Feb. 21 at the Strathmore Civic Centre.
The event began with the parade of flags piped in by Pipers Brandon Summers and Mark Fisher and followed by RCMP Constables Melisa Archambault and Chris Kehoe with the Canadian flags. The national anthem was led by Doug Thurn, followed by a table grace by Pastor Dawn Nelson.
The many and various countries showcased for the evening included Austria, Canada, Egypt, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland, Holland, Italy, Russia and the Ukraine, and this year the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway amalgamated their display and shared the load of making the national foods.
Participants were told to “travel the world without leaving the room and experience the flavour and cuisine of each nation as you visit the booths.”
The raffle table of donated gifts from around the world brought in well over $3,000 dollars.
Pastor Dawn Nelson says that she is pleased with all the hard work every year that goes with putting an event like this on in the community. Every year surpasses the previous one from the food, entertainment and joy that is seen on the faces of all who come to the sold-out event.