Food shortage at Christmas Hamper

Gwen Moggey
Strathmore & Wheatland County Christmas Hamper Society Chairperson


The Strathmore and Wheatland County Christmas Hamper Society is up and running for Christmas 2015. We are the same organization but with a new name – one that we feel reflects the fact that we cover not only the Town of Strathmore but the surrounding villages and rural area.
We are an organization that runs strictly on volunteers, along with help from the Wheatland and the Strathmore FCSS offices.
We have fabulous volunteers who are busy screening, picking up donations from schools, etc., emptying bins, sorting toys and personal items, and working with food donations.
So far this season donations are down, especially food, and applicants are up. We are all aware of the downturn in our economy. It is affecting all of us. There are many organizations asking for donations and we hope that the Christmas Hamper will be part of yours.
Every donation of food, gifts or cash enables us to help local people have a wonderful Christmas, for children to receive gifts and to put food on their table.
Let’s not forget our local community!