Fildebrandt supports Brian Jean for Wildrose leader
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Derek Fildebrandt, the Wildrose candidate for Strathmore-Brooks, introduced Brian Jean who has entered the Wildrose leadership race, and announced his support for him on Feb. 25.
“I thought through the decision of whether or not to seek the leadership thoroughly with my friends, family and supporters and decided that I wanted to focus on Strathmore-Brooks and rebuilding the party and focusing on providing a solid financial platform for the party,” said Fildebrandt.
Jean has 10 years’ experience as MP for Fort McMurray-Athabasca. Fildebrandt feels Jean is a solid fiscal conservative that has the experience necessary to lead the party, especially on such short notice.
“I think Alberta deserves a well-run efficient government that applies good Albertan common sense and the Alberta work ethic to the important activities of government,” said Jean in a press release.
“I think small government, low taxes, and common-sense efficiencies are how you actually serve people. Those are Wildrose principles, they have always been my principles.”
“These are extraordinary times, and I thought I was capable of doing it, but that I would require some time to be prepared for an election and I think 48 hours is not enough time for me to prepare,” said Fildebrandt.
“I felt this was the best thing for the party and the province and Alberta deserves a real alternative and an effective opposition and to do that we have to run a strong campaign to give Albertans that alternative and Brian can best lead that.”
Fildebrandt said Prentice wants no opposition in the legislature, but he doesn’t think Albertans are going to buy it.
“I think Albertans have been very well served by having a competitive democratic system for the last three years with an official opposition that until most of it crossed the floor was doing a very good job,” said Fildebrandt.
No one knows exactly when the election is going to be, but it is suspected that it will be coming in April. Fildebrandt said Wildrose would have a leader in place, a full platform, and good, quality candidates. They will be very competitive this election.