Federal election 2105

The federal election is set for Oct. 19 and national parties are hitting the streets to drum up supporters. The following is an introduction to candidates running for the various parties in the Bow River Riding.



Fahed Khalid
Democratic Advancement Party of Canada
Fahed brings to the DAPC and Bow River constituency a Canadian with relevant professional experience, high energy and initiative and a proven track record of getting jobs done. Also, he has a strong passion for justice and fairness equally for all people. He lives in the Bow River riding.
Fahed is involved in various social issues with various communities. He understands the issues involving the economy, foreign policy, immigration, criminal code, legislation, aboriginal issues, rural communities and seniors. Fahed excels at interacting with the grassroots individual.
Fahed has a double degree from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and a Bachelor of Science in Statistics. In addition, he has 10 years professional experience, and he has worked in risk management at a public medical institution, in public accounting at a Big Four accounting firm, experience in the Oil and Gas industry on the EPC and owner/operator side as well. Currently, Fahed is an independent consultant in the industry.
“I am committed to working with the residents of the Bow River constituency to address national and local issues to residents a greater say. If elected, I am subordinate to the will of the people within my riding and I will represent their interests to the best of my ability.”



Frans VandeStroet
Christian Heritage Party (CHP Canada)
My name is Frans VandeStroet and in this federal election I am happy to represent the Christian Heritage Party (CHP) (www.chp.ca) in the Bow River riding. This is my third time doing that; in 2008 and 2011 I ran as a CHP candidate in the Medicine Hat riding.
I was born in the Netherlands in 1969, studied at the CAH University of Applied Sciences in Dronten, the Netherlands, and obtained my Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) degree. In 1997 I immigrated to Canada, attracted by the wide-open spaces of Southern Alberta. I worked in the feedlot industry around Picture Butte until 2003 and then started a new career as a farm realtor with Info Market Group GMAC (now Real Estate Centre) in Coaldale.
I am happily married to Corine and together we raise our six lovely children on an acreage in Lethbridge County. From 2007 until 2014 we owned and lived on a grain farm bordering the Bow River electoral district in Enchant area. So I am quite familiar with Bow River and know many people there.
I am also the central campaign manager for all election campaigns of the CHP in Southern Alberta, so unfortunately I won’t have time to run an active campaign in the Bow River riding. However, we will achieve at least one important goal in Bow River, which is to put the Christian Heritage Party (CHP) on the ballot and give social conservatives in this riding the possibility to vote their conscience and send a clear message to Ottawa that they want more respect for the solid, time-tested Judeo-Christian values that made Canada a great country. Please remember, Canada’s heritage is a Christian heritage! Let’s be proud of it! On Oct. 19 VOTE CHP! Thank you for your support, before, on, and after Election Day! E-mail: BowRiverCHP@gmail.com Website: www.chp.ca



Lynn MacWilliam
I’m Lynn MacWilliam and I’m running for the NDP to be the next Member of Parliament for the new riding of Bow River.
I was born in Vancouver and raised in Burnaby, B.C. I have three children and four grandchildren.
I lived in the Yukon for 18 years. While in the north, I worked for Cyprus Anvil, a mining company in Faro, Yukon. After the mine closed, I moved to Whitehorse where I worked for the Yukon Government. I also worked for Audrey McLaughlin, MP and two MLAs in the Yukon Government.
I moved to Ottawa in 1997 and worked for a variety of NDP Members of Parliament: Alexa McDonough, Lorne Nystrom, Bill Siksay and Linda Duncan, to name a few. Ottawa is where I learned about how government works.
In 2012, I moved to the lovely town of Bassano after my eldest daughter had a stroke. I took early retirement, found a house I could afford on my pension, and moved myself, my daughter, two teenage grandchildren and two dogs.
I am also a Councillor for the Town of Bassano. I want to promote Bassano as a place to raise families. With more families moving into the town, it will create the need for more services and help the town to grow.
I ran for the NDP in the Provincial Election and am now running for the NDP in the Federal Election. There is a feeling on the doorsteps that people want change.
I strongly believe in the NDP and believe that Tom Mulcair will be a great Prime Minister and move the country forward in a way that works for everybody, not just a few. He will bring our Canada back to the country that was respected around the world.



Martin Shields
Conservative Party of Canada
After a successful three-decade long career in education, followed by 10 years of public service in local government as the Mayor of Brooks, Martin Shields wishes to continue to serve his constituents as the Member of Parliament for the newly created Bow River riding, his home riding.
Martin brings a wealth of education and experiences to the seat, having served as a teacher and school administrator for 30 years and a part time University instructor for 20 years. He achieved a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Arts and continues to grow and learn as a life long learner.
Martin believes a life in politics is a natural extension of his career in education. In 2004 he was first elected to serve as councilor on City of Brooks council. In 2007 he was elected as Mayor of Brooks and has taken leave from the position for this election. Martin currently serves his community through a variety of volunteer positions with the Recreation for Life Foundation, Brooks Health Foundation and the Brooks and District Rotary Club. Martin also has a deep interest in municipal sustainability demonstrated by his dedication to the Bow River Basin Council, Alberta Water and Riparian Land Committee and Brooks Expo Board.
Born in 1948, Martin has been living in Brooks with his family for 35 years and is committed to the success and quality of life the people in this community. This is evident through his involvement in various organizations such as the Alberta Library Trustees Association (Board Member), the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (Vice-President), the Shortgrass Regional Library System Board (Vice Chair Person), Palliser Regional Health Board (Vice-Chair), and the Palliser Area Health Advisory Committee (Vice-Chair).
On Oct. 19 vote for someone who works to understand your community, your business and your family. Vote Martin Shields.
Martin’s key, local priority areas are the agriculture industry, energy sector and working with municipalities. He has been a strong advocate for his community in all of these areas and believes that he can carry that voice to Ottawa.
Contact Info
Due to the size of the Bow River riding there are two offices: Brooks Office – Bay 1, 500 Cassils Road East (beside BCIS). Strathmore Office – B-510 HWY 1, beside the A&W. The mailing address for the campaign is Martin Shields Campaign, Box 1161, Brooks, Alberta, and T1R 1C4
The campaign phone number is 403-793-1252 and the campaign e-mail is amshields@shaw.ca.



Rita Fromholt
Green Party
Rita has spent most of her adult life working and volunteering for a wide variety of organizations dedicated to the creation of a more equitable and sustainable society. Rita believes the Green Party of Canada is the only federal party with solid, evidence-based policies designed to create long-term economic prosperity, while preserving the integrity of our natural environment.
The Greens have a viable, costed platform that includes strategies to help develop alternative energy industries, create stable employment in the communities where people live, reduce poverty, care for seniors and veterans, eliminate student debt, promote sustainable agriculture and the ethical treatment of farm animals.
Rita spent the last eight years at the University of Victoria in the Office of Campus Planning & Sustainability where she led teams of staff, students and faculty to develop and achieve the university’s many sustainability goals including reducing waste, saving energy, and creating alternative transportation options. She has also helped manage many non-profit groups including the Rainforest Solutions Project, Pivot Legal Society and Ecotrust Canada.
Rita is currently the West Coast Campaign Coordinator with the Green Party of Canada. Her responsibilities include assisting the west coast focus ridings in developing campaign plans and budgets, and in achieving their many established campaign targets.
She has served on the provincial council for the BC Green Party, and has sat on various boards and steering committees of a variety of non-profit organizations.
Rita has a First Class Honors degree in Communications and an accounting diploma. She grew up in a small city south of Vancouver and now resides in Victoria, B.C. with her husband.
You can contact Rita via e-mail (rita.fromholt@greenparty.ca) or phone at 250-884-5751.



William MacDonald Alexander
Liberal Party
William is a true Albertan, he was born and raised in Calgary. He is entering his final year studying Political Science and Economic Geography at the University of Calgary. Before deciding to attend university, William worked in the construction industry for three years, framing houses. To help pay for his education, William has worked as a roughneck on a drilling rig for Precision Drilling in the spring and summer, and framed houses during his winter breaks. William serves as the Executive Vice President on the University of Calgary Young Liberals, and he is involved with student outreach and youth engagement on campus to encourage more young Canadians to vote.
William knows first-hand the struggles all Albertans, but particularly young Albertans, who are experiencing in Stephen Harper’s failed economy.
“My grandfather taught me that you have to be the change you want to see in the world. I’m proud to represent the Liberal Party of Canada in Bow River, and with a little bit of hope, and a lot of hard work, we can bring the real change to Ottawa.”
William believes there are two key ways to get things done: being motivated, and working hard each and every day. As a roughneck on an oil rig he knows the value of hard work and caries this work ethic through everything he does, from his university studies to youth advocacy.
He knows the struggles first hand of finding a fulfilling job in today’s economy as a young person. A Liberal government will invest in young Canadians entering the workforce, helping them acquire the skills and experience needed to gain meaningful employment and contribute to the local economy.
We can’t choose between the economy and the environment, we need to have balance. In order to have economic prosperity we must establish reasonable and thoughtful environmental protections, so we can have a prosperous future for all Canadians.
William knows that for Canada to remain competitive in global markets and for domestic markets to grow investment in critical infrastructure is essential. This encompasses all types of infrastructure from roads and bridges, to public transit, greening Canada’s electrical grid, and increasing access to the internet and telecommunication. These investments will create jobs and grow Canada’s economy.
William believes in honest and accountable government. William will work to implementing a more transparent government, giving Canadians a voice in Ottawa, and making sure parliamentarians disclose information on their expenses to ensure good government.