Emergency response appreciation postponed

Sharon McLeay
Times Contributor


Chris Morgan, organizer for the Emergency Response Appreciation Day, which was to be held at Kinsman Park on Sept. 19, had to postpone the event.
The original request to hold the event was made to Strathmore Council and approved by council.
Morgan had the go ahead and booked exhibits, ordered supplies and asked volunteers to help with the event. All told he said he put 56 hours into organizing the event. He had 25-30 exhibitors ready to appear; however, cancellation from Strathmore Fire Department put a wrench in the works.
“It is very disappointing, but circumstances were out of my control,” said Morgan.
He said he didn’t want to exclude the fire department, but was told one week before the event that fire crews or machines couldn’t be taken out of service for the event.
He contacted Strathmore’s Fire Chief and CAO Dwight Stanford, but no accommodations could be made.
The event will most likely be rescheduled in May during emergency services week.
“I think that our emergency responders can be given appreciation more than just once a year,” said Morgan.