Election 2015
With an election called for May 5, we are asking the candidates questions to help you get to know them better. The second question is What values would you bring to the MLA position that you would not compromise and for which you would be willing to be held accountable?
I value and bring to the MLA position, accountability, balance, community service, determination and vision.
Accountability is when you make a promise and you keep it, and you don’t promise anything you can’t keep. Before the 2012 election the PC MLA accepted payment for committee work that he never attended. Our previous Wildrose MLA made the decision to cross the floor to become part of the PC government. I promise I will not accept any pay that I haven’t earned nor will I ever “cross the floor”. If a circumstance arises where my beliefs no longer mesh with the Alberta Party, then I will inform the people of Strathmore-Brooks and resign to ensure the constituents have a democratic option in a by-election.
Balance is not “fence sitting” as some on the right like to say. Balance is finding common ground that all can agree on or at least accept. Balance is working together with different parties to find solutions and not pound out ideology. Balance is also not overspending or under spending, but finding the right amount and not spending one penny more.
I come from a village where community service has accomplished many great things over the years. They have built a community hall, arena and curling rink. The villages are working towards enhancing the new school. Sometimes to ensure we all succeed, we put our own aspirations on hold for the good of our community. I promise to work with all municipalities within Strathmore-Brooks to build stronger and sustainable communities; as well as the community service groups to achieve important projects and initiatives.
People who know me know I’m a determined person. If there is a problem, I want to find a solution. I want things to work efficiently where the outcome is positive. If we spend a lot of money and have less than a positive outcome, then to me that is waste. When we manage our resources so well that we actually can do more with less, then I believe that is much better.
I believe we all need a vision, a destination for Alberta. We need to keep our feet grounded in the present, but we also need to know where we want to take Alberta, and we need to build the road that will get us there. I will work with the people and communities of Strathmore-Brooks to bring their vision to the Legislature.
One value I didn’t mention is courage. I promise to represent you courageously and if that means to vote against my party -if what they are proposing isn’t good for Strathmore-Brooks, then I will. Other parties talk about free votes, but I will always stand up for Strathmore-Brooks. Thank you.
Einar Davison
Alberta Party Candidate
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this question. I live and breathe my values and I fully expect to be held fully accountable for my words and actions. This is who I am when I say:
I have consistently employed integrity and honesty to guide my decision-making. Developing respectful relationships with people while enjoying life in general are all important to me and to the way I live. I believe in and I have demonstrated the capacity to “give back” to my community and the people who live there.
The focus of government is to provide needed services to tax payers. As a Counselor and Reeve with the County of Newell, I fostered an honest and open environment that encouraged original thinking and positive solutions, always in the context of advocating for the “greater good”. I was inspired to run as the PC Candidate in the upcoming election because of what I have seen accomplished at the local/municipal level through effective communication and cooperation. Strathmore-Brooks constituents will receive from me strong, knowledgeable, friendly, forward-looking and local representation in the provincial legislature.
If you wanted a snap shot of the words or phrases which best describe me, I am: loyal, a leader, generous, empathetic, positive, solution oriented. I listen, I question the status quo and I am respectful of diverse points of view. I take pride in being a “big picture” person.
I believe in the leadership of Premier Jim Prentice and his plan for Alberta. I believe I would be an asset to the Prentice Team and look forward to using these skills as an MLA to benefit the residents of the Strathmore Brooks Constituency.
Molly Douglass
PC Candidate
My Values. Your Values.
There’s an old joke that some politicians have principles – and if you don’t like those principles, they have others. It’s got roots in truth: some politicians will say and promise anything to keep their grasp on power.
Our current government is a case in point. Despite spending $28 million to call an early election to obtain a mandate for his “10-year plan,” Jim Prentice has already changed his 10-year plan three times in just 10 days. This is government by polling and image consultants, not government by values and principles.
My values don’t come from consultants and pollsters. Rather, they are the values that I was raised with, have fought for my whole life, and want to fight for as your MLA. One of the values that I grew up with is personal responsibility. Personal responsibility means accepting the consequences for your own actions, and fessing up when you mess up. When I make mistakes – and I will – I will take responsibility for them.
After nearly bankrupting this province during a period record revenues over the last decade, the Tories have not accepted responsibility for their mismanagement. Instead, Jim Prentice told Albertans to “look in the mirror” and blamed them for it. That is why the PC budget raises taxes by $2,500 on the average household, but does not tackle waste and misspending in the government.
Albertans are not the problem. Alberta’s government is the problem. Albertans are paying enough taxes. Alberta’s government is just not treating those taxes with respect.
Leadership means actually standing up for something other than just power. As the former Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, I fought for lower taxes, less waste, and accountable government. It was a job that I was very passionate about, and I remain committed to those same values now.
Too many politicians just want to be elected without any clear vision for the enjoyment of having an interesting job. If you’ve ever watched Question Period in the legislature, you will see these kinds of backbench PC MLAs asking “puff-ball” questions to PC ministers, written by the ministers themselves! They’re representing the government to the riding, rather than the other way around. It’s the kind of political theater that makes me feel sad for the state of our democracy.
When we have MLAs who just go with the party line and are afraid to speak out to their bosses, we get governments that are unafraid to break their promises. That is why Strathmore is still without a proper long-term seniors care facility.
I’m an independent thinker, and am not afraid of going against the party line when it conflicts with the interests of my constituents, or my values. I will fight for the values that I was raised with and for the interests of Strathmore-Brooks, vocally.
I will represent Strathmore-Brooks to the government, and not the government to Strathmore-Brooks.
On May 5th, vote for change.
Derek Fildebrandt is the Wildrose Candidate for Strathmore-Brooks and the former Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Derek Fildebrandt
Wildrose Candidate
(voteforderek.ca or fildebrandt.ca)