Drum circle returns to Hope Bridges

Miriam Ostermann
Times Associate Editor


While attending an annual meeting with the Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), Lynn Walker was intrigued by the energizing effects a drum circle had on participants. Calgary-based Judy Atkinson facilitated the meeting. Noticing that her health issues – high blood pressure, stress, and blood sugar – neutralized after a session, Walker became a certified drumming circle facilitator last October. Her certification came at an opportune time for the Hope Bridges Society, whose previous African drumming facilitator is currently on maternity leave.
“I felt so good afterwards, so I went for a few of her sessions,” Walker said, regarding Judy Atkinson’s session.
“I had physical health problems going on, and I would normalize. I would get home and check my pulse and blood sugar, and it was normal. It puts you at ease and takes away your stress and all your worry. It just happens, and it’s something that people should do as part of their regular routine.”
The Hope Bridges Society, a community-based, non-profit organization that collaborates and creates art with adults, featured a drumming circle previously, and while their former facilitator was able to provide participants with the circle and teach technique, the society is excited for a new experience by accommodating Walker.
“It’s very relaxing and not about the technique, it’s just about coming and experiencing the rhythms and letting go of stress,” said Wanda Reinholdt, Hope Bridges Society coordinator.
“What we’re looking forward to with Lynn, is just a relaxation and the release of stress that she can bring and it’s very casual.”
Walker, who is slowly building up her collection, can accommodate up to 20 people during a session, with Hope Bridges having received anywhere from 10 to 20 participants in the past. Walker said she was looking for a way to give back to the community. After her experience with Atkinson, as well as featuring her during last year’s Women’s Conference at the Royal Canadian Legion in Strathmore, Walker, who is also the program coordinator for the Wheatland FCSS, knew becoming a drumming circle facilitator was what she was looking for. Since then, she has offered her services during a Lunch and Learn and to support groups.
“It’s just another fun drum session,” Walker said. “Each one is unique because you never know who’s going to come through the door. But you leave your egos at the door, you come in and you accept everyone in that room for who they are, and you support each other and just create that synergy and energy that everyone can benefit from.”
Walker will also offer drumming classes through the Wheatland Further Education Society.
The Hope Bridges Society offers the one-day drumming circle event on Sept. 19 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.