Yoga keeps youth active


Justin Seward    

Times Reporter 
Pranava Yoga in Strathmore is starting up a program called Yoga 4 Young Athletes starting Sept. 16. The sessions will run every Tuesday until Dec. 2. The program is a good way for young kids that are interested in yoga to come into the studio once a week to relieve stress and stay active.
“Our intention with it is to reduce injuries with our youth so they can stay in their sports and activities longer,” said Kelly Montford, yoga and fitness instructor at Pranava Yoga Studio.
“They’re more flexible, healthier and not is it only the flexibility but it is a lot of mental, it gives them that down time with a few minutes at beginning and end for rest.”
When Montford teaches the Yoga 4 Young Athletes program she considers all the sports that her students are in and works around what activities are going on in their lives while considering their comfort zone.
“When I’m planning the classes I know all the kids because of the profiles and I take the time to go through what their sports are and I really individualize the sessions so we’re working on stretching and lengthening the muscle groups that they use,” said Montford.
When the kids are in the Yoga 4 Young Athletes, the emphasis is on flexibility and how to use the muscle groups properly.
“I’d really like them to feel like they had gained that flexibility but I really want them to have that mental base where they know that they can take themselves back for a few minutes if they are in a situation that is causing them stress,” said Montford.
“Creating health for everyone is about bringing mind and body and emotional well-being all into one and realizing health comes with balancing all three of those aspects,” said Becky Stone, owner of Pranava Yoga studio.
“The younger we can introduce these tools that help them create well-being in their lives, the more successful they will continue on into their lives with their athletic capability.”
If you are interested in the program, Pranava Yoga Studio has room for 14 kids in each group. You can contact the studio for more information at 587-365-3651.