Standard the 2013 year in review


Manny Everett 

Times Contributor  
Standard had some significant changes over the 12 months in 2013. Two of the highlights that the community is proud of were the completion of the new Fire Hall (on time and under budget) and the new Community Hall at the north end of the village. Both were celebrated accomplishments of the year. The village also completed the following upgrades:
• Relined sewer line on 1st Street West from Yorick to Elsinore
• Paved part of 9th Ave from 1st Street East to east edge of village 
• Performed canal line repair
• Installed flush valve at the east end of 9th Ave.
• Purchased and installed new pump at the canal
• Purchased and installed new chemical injection pump at the canal location to deal with taste and odour issues in the water
• Installed new bulk water load out system
• Graded some roads and alleys
• Did upgrades to the bathrooms at the campground/sports grounds. 
While many things were accomplished there is always a list of things that can be worked on, but funding will dictate what the village will be able to complete in 2014. Continued grading of the roads and alleyways, industrial road upgrades in trouble spots, the dredging of the sewage lagoon, replacement of water and sewer lines along Christian Ave. and 2nd St. West from Frederick to Elsinore. Mayor Alan Larsen says that “the village will continue to work with the surrounding villages and the county on the regional water project and try to explore other avenues where we can work together.  
The council and staff will continue to work with the volunteer organizations within the village to make Standard the best little village we can make it, and to try and attract more people to move to our community.”