Standard skaters searching

 Aryssah Stankevitsch  

Times Reporter   
The Standard CanSkate Club will be hosting their annual Fundraising Carnival at the Standard Arena on March 23. 
However, they’re still looking for donations for the event’s raffle table.
“From businesses within the area, we’ve been asking for anything that they can give,” Cheryl Klemmensen said, in charge of donations. “It’s a fundraiser, but too, to show the kids how much they’ve progressed throughout the year. They go out on the ice and do their spiel.”
The show has been going on for over 40 years, and has become a tradition for skaters. Eighteen are involved in the club this year.
“The kids look forward to it every year. They dress up in their costumes and go out; I think it’s very important,” Klemmensen said.
Jaclyn Gauthier, president of the club, says town support is important too.
“Usually it’s just a parents and grandparents type of thing, but we love it when people from the community come as well,” she said. “We get all of our donations from the town. It’s huge.”
The theme for this year’s show is “Proud To Be Canadian”.
“Each little group, their dance, is representing each province. One group is doing a cowboy theme,” Gauthier said.
There will be a raffle and a 50/50 draw. The event will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. with free admission.