September at the library
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
The Strathmore Municipal Library is always offering programs to keep the community engaged, and the month of September is already filled with events.
First off is a videoconference for the adults called ‘Putting Your Garden to Bed.’
“This is all about creating your fall to-do list and making sure that you’re one step ahead for next spring,” said Assistant Director of Library Services Carmen Erison.
The conference is going to talk about deadheading, diseased plant removal, transplanting, winter protection and general garden clean up to ensure you have a healthy garden come spring. The conference begins at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 4.
New this year, and keeping along the gardening theme, is the bulb exchange.
“We have a plant and seed exchange that we do every year and it came about that gardeners were looking for something a little new, so this fall we are having our very first bulb exchange,” said Erison.
“If you’re looking to step out of the box and try growing something new we encourage you to come to the library on Saturday, Sept. 20 from 1 p.m.- 3 p.m. and you can join other gardeners for an afternoon of trading and exchanging tips and tricks.”
More info can be found at The website has handy tips on how to prepare your blubs for exchange.
Coming up Sept. 5 and 6 is a book sale for those who want to fill their bookshelves with fresh reading material. The sale will be held from 12p.m.- 7 p.m. on Sept. 5 and 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Sept. 6, and books will sell at three for $1 or .50 cents each.
“We’re going to have a large selection of books, we’re bursting at the seams with boxes of books to sell,” said Erison.
Crafternoons is returning on Sept. 15 for children in Grades 1-6. Each week two library staff members will be coming up with different themes; that way the kids never do the same craft twice, said Erison. Crafternoons is held every Monday from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. and all of the supplies for each weeks craft will be provided.
“Drop in and get crafty with us,” said Erison.
The popular Mother Goose in the Park program will continue to run at Kinsmen Park until Sept. 24, and the regular story time program will resume Oct. 7 and 10, running Tuesday mornings from 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and Friday afternoons from 2 p.m.- 3 p.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
“This program is for preschool program and each week we have a specific theme that Hope our storyteller will read stories and then do small crafts according to that theme,” said Erison.
Get Your Game On is also something new at the library. The second Saturday of every month from 1p.m.-4p.m., starting Sept. 13 people are invited to drop in to the library and take part in some board game action.
“We were very fortunate that a patron donated a large variety of games to the library, and so right now we’re even looking at different types of games people want to play, so we will be purchasing different games for this program,” said Erison.
Also this fall is Minecraft Mania, which filled up quickly, but don’t despair, you can still get a chance to play.
“The main thing we want to tell people is that even though the Minecraft program is full, children and adults are welcome to come to the library anytime during library hours and they’re allowed to use the computers and play Minecraft,” said Erison.
The next season will start in January and registration on Dec. 1, and it is only available to children eight and older. To register go to