Saying goodbye


Shannon LeClair    

Times Reporter    
Eight students from Holy Cross Collegiate (HCC) ended their time with Strathmore’s Catholic school system on June 17. The students all began their school careers at Sacred Heart Academy, and are the first to have made it all the way through in the two schools.
Six of the eight students took the time to answer questions for us about their time in the halls of both schools.
How does it feel to know you are part of the first class to graduate after going through Strathmore’s Catholic school system?
William Airth: “It makes me proud to realize how I have grown and developed in one school system.” 
Josh Culshaw: “It’s interesting to think that I’ve been at this building for 13 years of my life and it’s just going to be finished in the next couple of weeks.”
Francesca Hammel: “It is pretty cool that I get to graduate with people I have known throughout my elementary, junior high and high school years.”
Tyler Magwood: “It is crazy to think that I have been in the same building for 13 years. Being a part of the Catholic school system has shaped me into the person I am today, and has taught me the importance of dedication and God’s love in everything I do.”
Michael Pringle: “It’s pretty surreal seeing how much myself and everyone else around me has grown.”
Shannon Stewart: “I learned a lot at this school about myself as well as others and am fortunate to have met a lot of amazing people.” 
What are some of your fond memories of both schools?
Airth: Couldn’t recollect all of his memories, but said Mr. Rochford’s religion class would hold most of them. 
Culshaw: “Meeting friends that have also gone through the schools with me and having the opportunity to go to school with them.”
Hammel: “The field trips and retreats that strengthened my relationships with my peers.”
Magwood: Has many fond memories but grad is the one that stands out most now. “After all the hard work and dedication I and my classmates put into achieving our diplomas, it was great to spend time with family and friends.”
Pringle: The talented coaches and athletes on the sports teams have made things fun, and playing at HCC has been a “very competitive and rewarding experience.”
Stewart: The Grade 6 trip to Camp Chestermere stands out to Stewart because it was so much fun. During the grad retreat she gained a newfound appreciated of her classmates and teachers. “I will remember it fondly.”
Which teacher, or principal, stood out to you the most?
Airth: “It would be a tie between Mr. Chin, Mr. Rochford or Mrs. Sample.”
Culshaw: “Ms. Noonan (SHA) impacted a couple of us. Years ago we were in the Relay for Life as Patti Lynn’s Munchkins.”
Hammel: “Mr. Hanson because he helped me choose which courses to take so that I would be able to go to University.”
Magwood: Many people have helped influence me over the years. The staff at both HCC and SHA helped push me to excel and do my best.
Pringle: Mr. Wiley’s passion for music, arts and education really came through. Wiley helped inspire me to challenge myself and push my limits.
Stewart: “Mrs. Sample has guided me and helped me the most because she is such a hard working teacher and truly cares about education. She is an amazing teacher.”
What do you think you will be taking away from both schools, besides a diploma?
Airth: “A healthy faith and love of God.”
Culshaw: “Relationships with friends and the teachers here, and they’re actually positive.” 
Hammel: “All the learning experiences and opportunities for the future, and the friendships that I have acquired over the many years of attending this school.”
Magwood: “I will be taking of love for learning and the knowledge that God’s love will be with me for the rest of my life. I will be able to succeed in university because of the tools I have developed on HCC.”
Pringle: “Lots of close friends and teachers. It’s a place that I’ll always be able to come back to and say hi and catch up.”
Stewart: “I learned how to not be afraid to be myself. School has influenced me to understand people and see the good in everyone. There are so many good people in this world, you just have to look.”
Congratulations, graduates, and best of luck in the future.