Rockyford past, future
Manny Everett
Times Contributor
Mayor Darcy Burke, who was reelected to his position in October, said that the “biggest accomplishment we (Rockyford) had for 2013 was the construction and expansion of the sewage lagoon system.”
This is a project that had been stalled for three years waiting for funding from Alberta Transportation, and in late 2012 the funding became available and currently is the largest capital project that Rockyford has undertaken as part of our infrastructure upgrade plan. The completion of this infrastructure project will allow Rockyford to revisit the development of our residential sub-division and make decisions on how the community would like to see this project unfold.
In 2014, council will also be studying the completion of water and sewer infrastructure upgrades on the 3rd and 4th block of Mainstreet and the eventual paving of those streets.