Prepare for combat


Justin Seward  

Times Reporter 
Combat Fitness in Strathmore has only been around  since January but promises to have fast paced and structured workouts with their boot camp and kickboxing classes.
“On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I teach boot camps at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 9 a.m.  I do kickboxing Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.,” said Lesley Boutilier, owner of Combat Fitness.
Combat also offers ‘Mommy and Me’ classes on Monday and Wednesdays.
“Basically it’s bringing your kids with you depending on their age. There are toys in the reception area for them to play with,” said Boutilier.
“I initially started doing it using (the child) for weights but depending on how old the child is, when they’re (smaller) it’s ok but when they get bigger it gets harder.”
Boutilier really enjoys focusing on the one-on-one aspect with individuals who want to stay fit.
“I do the one-on-one training which is what I really enjoy to do and seeing the benefits of that with people I have been working with for months is really nice,” said Lesley.
The idea behind Combat Fitness came from a gym that she had created out of her garage at home.
“It came from the first program I started running by myself at home was Les mills Combat and it is a kickboxing-based program. I like to do the Spartan and Mud Hero races so it fit the theme I wanted to run with,” said Boutilier.
Compared to other larger gyms, Combat fitness is  a smaller more comfortable environment for work-out enthusiasts.
“Going to a bigger gym, a lot of people that I talk to they find that it’s harder to get the motivation to push themselves to the point where you’re getting your heart rate up,” said Boutilier.
“I try to make it a little more comfortable here for them to come in and have no pressure and you do the boot camp the best you can do it and if you have to rest, you rest, and if you keep going for the whole minute, you go for the whole minute.”
She really wants to emphasize healthy activity without having to go on as many diets but rather the pairticpants do it through work-outs.
“My main goal is to promote health and it’s  not about going on a diet. It’s about making healthier choices, eating correct, know what you should be eating,” said Boutilier.
“These ones who have no carbs, no protein, straight calorie cutting, thats not the right way to go about it, you still have to feel your body when working out.”
“The feedback on being the newest gym in town has been nothing short of positive,” said Boutilier.
If you are interested in Combat Fitness you can log onto or go to their Facebook page which has the same name as the gym.