Novice tournament a success
Aryssah Stankevitsch
Times Reporter
Approximately 170 young novice hockey players showed off their skills Jan. 11-12 at the Strathmore Family Centre for the annual novice tournament. Five teams from Strathmore hosted seven other teams from across southern Alberta.
“They did good,” said Kimberly Proust, tournament organizer, of the Strathmore teams. “It was a little bit of a hard fight for most of them, but it was a good weekend.”
All teams were awarded medals for their efforts.
“It was just kind of fair across the board,” Proust said. “It was novice, so we don’t do playoffs or anything. Everybody has their three games, and has fun with the rest of the tournament.”
Many parents assisted with the weekend, along with the tournament committee.
“We had great help. I’d really like to thank all those guys,” Proust said.
A big thank-you is due to Enmax as well, who donated money towards the tournament.
“Plus, they gave each Strathmore team money to buy apparel,” Proust said.
Now all novice Strathmore teams have matching track suits and toques.
“They look absolutely fantastic!” Proust said.
There was a photo-booth on hand at the tournament, so the squads could capture the moment.