Getting busy with the library

 Shannon LeClair  

Times Reporter    
Once again the Strathmore Municipal Library has a line-up of free family fun events coming. One of the community’s favourites is the plant exchange on May 31 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 
“We have gone with a different concept than we did last year, we’re still accepting indoor and outdoor plants for exchange, but this year we’re also accepting seeds for exchange because we find that local gardeners kind of want a variety of things to exchange,” said Carmen Erison assistant director of library services. 
There will also be a raffle later in the day. This is a great way to add new and interesting plants to your collection. 
The first week of June has been declared Seniors Week, and in preparation of that, the library has planned a few events geared towards the seniors in our community. 
“The library has been striving to provide programming for all ages but generally a majority of our programming is geared towards children. So this year our goal was to create programs for seniors,” said Erison. 
On Monday, June 2 there is a special crafting workshop coming to the library called ‘Getting Crafty with my Grandparent.’ Erison said Strathmore FCSS had contacted the library about partnering for a crafting session. 
“Children are welcome to bring grandma and grandpa to the library and they will be making decorative vases that day,” said Erison. 
All of the materials will be provided at no charge, and the crafting will begin at 4 p.m.
On the Flex Friday, June 6, there will be a movie for the kids, and that evening there will be an event coming to the library that is exciting for everyone.
An Evening with the Stars will begin at 8 p.m. at the library. The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada will be hosting a presentation about the stars and beyond for anyone interested of all ages. Following the presentation there will be a telescope viewing of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.
“We are also going to have a large, beautiful planetarium set up in the library. This program is suitable for all ages, and the event is going to occur whether it is clear or cloudy,” said Erison. 
The planetarium will envelop the entire back end of the library. In 2012, when the library hosted Larry Robinson with the Titanic exhibit, someone had approached Erison from the Astronomical Society who was impressed with the Titanic program. He passed on his info to Erison so that an astronomy exhibit could be set up at a later date.
“We’re very excited to finally be hosting them at the library,” said Erison.
“One really wonderful thing that has happened for the library is that we have received one of the United Way grants,” which is why there will be even more happening this year at the library. 
On June 15 at the Senior Tea and Film, the meeting room will be set up like a teashop and they will be showing the movie ‘Saving Mr. Banks’, 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., which is again free to attend and no registration required.
Also happening now in the library is an interactive way to learn about the cycle of life, by watching caterpillars form into butterflies. 
“The library was looking for something very spring-like to host this year. We had heard of a library up north that brought butterflies, caterpillars, into their library. This year we contacted the group and we have caterpillars in our library that are going to bloom into beautiful butterflies,” said Erison. 
“Its is really quite an educational process for the children to be able to come to the library and see the stage of the butterfly’s life.”
Currently they are still in the caterpillar form, and then they will go into the chrysalis (cocoon) before emerging as painted lady butterflies. Five to seven days after that happens the library plans to hold a butterfly release and mini-party, but because they aren’t sure exactly when that will be Erison suggests watching social media for updates, or heading in to the library to see how they are doing. 
Lastly, the newest program to come to the library is Tech Tutoring with Kat. The tutoring will happen each Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Kat will be helping with basic computer training, helping people learn about YouTube, social media, e-readers, working with their photos and so on.  To book an appointment with Kat phone 403-934-5440 or e-mail